Yeah, as I said, I hope it's just paranoia.
Unfortunately, that was the best I could do pic wise...I don't have anything with higher res.
My figure is out in the open. And I realized I hadn't dusted in a while so I was cleaning it and the abs just looked..."deeper" to me. Like the sculpting started to separate deep in the cracks? So once that panicked idea was in my head, I had to come here and see...
This is my first Hot Toys figure but I'm well aware of the issues with rubber figures. I saw the pics of the Comedian's outfit just DISINTEGRATING into thin air and I thought "Oh god, is this how it starts?" So I tried to look closer...pulled the muscles flat with my fingers....was that a tear forming or just my imagination? Maybe I shouldn't be handling it this way anyway!!
No sign of any oil or anything, so that's good.
I know this figure won't last. I bought it anyway. I was hoping to have it for a few years at least. It's a gorgeous display piece! But to have it fall apart in the first year would really be a bummer to me. Bad enough, last time I cleaned it I dropped it right on the face and now there's a permanent round scuff right on the forehead. Maybe that's not apparent in the pics either. That was my fault though. D'oh!