Super Freak
Great work Fiend, looks fantastic! 

Anyone's EX waitlist from July/August convert?
Thanks guys. The chrome paint is on there good and proper. Just a little pressure with 90% rubbing alcohol dipped Q tips and the blood comes off. It's layered it seems like.
I took the rest off.
Nothing special. I'll try to take some proper pics this weekend.
I think I'm one of the few who does not think the Full BD sculpt looks bad with the blood on the chrome. I would expect blood to remain after flesh is ripped from it. With that said, the first shot with some of the blood removed looks good. Once I have the figure in hand I guess I can make the final call whether to leave it or de-blood it.
Personally I would leave some blood on for this reason but I would take enough off that it no longer overwhelms the silver of the endoskeleton like HT saw fit to do.
Do you plan on doing this?
Jaw dropping figure. I just wish they had a more suitable holding hand for the grenade launcher.
How is everyone having the hand hold it properly? It's a bit lob sided and I can't quite get it to look like it's holding the launcher naturally.
Overall my favorite figure in my collection so far. A ton of display options. No time to properly mess around with him though.
Personally I would leave some blood on for this reason but I would take enough off that it no longer overwhelms the silver of the endoskeleton like HT saw fit to do.