OK cracked him open and had a gander. Its a fantastic package and he looks great set up in full BD. However one thing that irritates me is the tailoring on the BD jacket. In my eyes, its horrible, seems massive on him for some reason so i've had to trap the jacket under his arms to make it look less baggy. Also the crotch grabber seems too big for the slot in the base. I was never going to use it anyway which is a first but still.
Another thing i noticed right away, the semi BD head looks HUGE, does he really have that big of a head? the full BD looks much better in proportion.
As for the T-1000, he is forever trapped in the box. I can't bring my self to display it, he looks like a golf trophy what was running through their minds i don't know

All in all im pleased with him, i don't think i'll be keeping my second when my UK supplier gets his stock, one is enough.