I love it.
''Damn, that looks awful'' - Shut up, it's just a prototype they'll improve it
''Wow, that looks fantastic'' - it's a prototype, final version probably won't look that good
It's the pictures brah. Don't you know anything about depth perception, lighting and perspective?
its going to be funny when this finally does come out and it cost like twice as much cuz HT raises their prices again.
I had budgeted for $220 according to 2012 DX prices. 8(
That's where I'm at with SS Supes and I have HT CR one, but then I have the other Keaton one to even bother thinking about Returns.I love it as much as I love
''Man that looks terrible'' - wait for the official pics (or if initial comment was in response to official pics ''wait for toy hunters or Secret Base pics'')
''K, yeah that still looks terrible'' - wait for in hand-pics
''As I feared, still awful'' - wait till you have it in hand
''Own it, guess what, it still looks crap'' - so why'd you buy it then?
Deep down I knew this wouldn't appear anytime soon