HOT TOYS - DX15 - Batman Returns KEATON BATMAN

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What happened to the 2014-2015 Hot Toys catalog? The Batman Returns figure and logo where both present.
Well, it's only January. There's still 11 months to go in 2015. It's possible that it will be released this year or at least available for pre-order.
I hope Thanos kicks Indy off the Sideshow forum banner up there so this Hot Toys Marvel/Disney thing looks really tacky.

You do know disney owns Indy too, right?

Also all this folks saying returns batman is dead...where are you now? That hot toys has again stated publicly they plan to still release it: it has even been given a time table for retailers. I think it's in the 14-15 new catalog...and no that doesn't mean till December. It's a fiscal year calendar which isn't jan-dec

So the catalog is posted here obviously. Answered that question. Lol my bad
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That is Sideshow's Indy that got knocked off of the banner. My point was it would have been funny if it was nothing but Hot Toys Marvel/Disney products up on that banner.


That's all.
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You do know disney owns Indy too, right?

Also all this folks saying returns batman is dead...where are you now? That hot toys has again stated publicly they plan to still release it: it has even been given a time table for retailers. I think it's in the 14-15 new catalog...and no that doesn't mean till December. It's a fiscal year calendar which isn't jan-dec

So the catalog is posted here obviously. Answered that question. Lol my bad

This taunt doesn't apply when almost everyone other than The Mayor wants to be proven wrong by Hot Toys.
If we pooled our money to buy a plane ticket to Hong Kong, who volunteers to go over there and force Howard to put up the specs and pics?
I wish I knew Johnny Depp, so I could tell him to call that bastard. He'd release the specs overnight on a Sunday.
This taunt doesn't apply when almost everyone other than The Mayor wants to be proven wrong by Hot Toys.

You'd never know that by the down right spitefully posts. doesnt exactly scream hope. I can't go by what someone may or may not have been thinking when they wrote something. Unfortunately I'm not a mind reader. I can only go by what they post. And the majority of the post I am talking about...not the ones that said it might not happen, or the ones that where not sure...but the ones that declared it was never going to happen. And the I'll bet my house. And the hot toys only does marvel. Those are the ones i was talking about. It's not just in this thread...same thing in the DOFP as well. And Bttf. And just about every property, right up till something gets released. Then those people are no where to be found. Or then it's "oh this is wrong, or it took to long, or it doesn't have four heads..". I be said all along that until hot toys says otherwise, you can't proclaim it dead. It's funny, everyone's ok with trying to hold hot toys to their word(that returns is coming) if it's late or whatever, but when they say it got pushed or still working on it suddenly you can't take them at their word. If u can't take their word, then you shouldn't be upset anyway, as you never expected it because that was them saying it.

This wasn't all directed at you. But The jumping off bridges mentality when it takes time for something to go thru is just silly to me. Especially since this movie is like 25 years old anyway. So u can wait 23 years, but 24 or 25...nope. Lol

All I was saying with my post you quoted is maybe people should stop trying to make stuff up about why this will never happen, or that there's some massive conspiracy or hot toys is incompetent...and instead relax a bit and stop chicken littleing the whole world. I've tried to explain why there are delays, why things happen like they do but no one seems to care or understand. They want it to be some thing they made up in their head.
You've only been here since last year Motuxman. A lot of us have been waiting since 2012.

People can complain, jump to irrational conclusions, or do whatever they want to make themselves feel better. The way this license has been handled is ridiculous.
In other news, i'm picking up my Keaton PF tomorrow, you guys! Might not be the Returns figure we all want here, but it's Keaton nonetheless!

In fact, I'll post pictures of it here instead of the PF thread. Just because.

Fabio, I wouldn't mind Motuxmen all that much buddy. He's just, well a.....

You've only been here since last year Motuxman. A lot of us have been waiting since 2012.

People can complain, jump to irrational conclusions, or do whatever they want to make themselves feel better. The way this license has been handled is ridiculous.

How long I've been on this forum has no bearing on how long I've collected or waited or any thing like that.

As for how it's been wouldn't matter what the truth is, or how it happened, people have convinced themselves it's hot toys fault and it's becuase of "insert guess" and it doesn't matter.

Maybe I'm just getting old, or I'm old school, or I'm weird, or a jerk whatever it is...but to me, a company's only fault this far is taking its me that doesn't seem ridiculous. Well time and answering questions from fans. (I'm speaking just of this figure in this instance). And given that they didn't get the license till 20 plus years till after the film came out, maybe you should be raging against every company that was active during that time. They all could have gotten the license and made a figure. Up till 2000-ish hot toys wasn't even around. And until hot toys got its license and did the 89 batman, I don't recall there being much in the way of figures from anyone else.

People can be as upset as they want to be. Didn't say they couldn't. All I did say was be patient, or at least stop proclaiming things to be fact when you have no idea.
It is Hot Toys' fault; it's Howard Chan's fault. The problem isn't that the company's "taken its time," it's that said company made false promises that they still haven't delivered on, and, as I said, it's all Hot Toys' fault. If I tell you that I'm going to make you some fresh orange juice, just as all of the Oranges are being harvested, it's all good, because I'll just wait until the next harvest before I make you your Orange Juice. However, if I tell you, at the tail end of this year's Orange Harvest, that I'm going to make you some fresh squeezed Orange Juice next week, and I can't get any Oranges, that's my fault, because I was making promises that I couldn't keep. I don't know about you, but, when someone tells me to expect 1/6th and 1/4 Scale figures "in Winter 2012." I expect to see them in the winter of 2012. Unlike the orange juice squeezer, though, Howard...well, Howard reminds me quite a bit of my dog.

You see, Virgil, my dog; well, he means well, but he's not very loyal. When I'm the only one home, he follows me everywhere. The second someone else comes home, though, and I'm second best. If I've got food, though, well, then, suddenly, I'm his new favorite person, again, and Howard's the same way. Except that, unlike my dog, he doesn't mean well, and he knows better, but he just can't help himself when you wave the fat, juicy steak that is a new Marvel movie in front of his little face. For the sake of clarity, and, considering I've already made two metaphors to further illustrate my point, Howard told us to expect the figures in the winter of 2012. We did, and, then, he told us that they'd been delayed. He tells us that Batman and Penguin are in development, and, then, he tells us that there are "currently no plans for Penguin and Catwoman." Now, two years later, he tells us, once again, that Batman is "coming soon."

The fact of the matter is that everything I just said is pertaining to the 1/6th figures, only. I'm saying, right now, that the likelihood of us seeing a 1/4 Scale Returns Batman is 1,000,000:1, and, as much as it pains me to say it, the same goes for The Avengers. They, too, were supposed to get 1/4 Scale figures, yet, lo and behold, it's been two years, and nothing from the original film has been shown. Howard was overexcited by the release of the '89 figures, and he jumped the gun. I know that we'll see the specs and pics of this figure, eventually. He wouldn't go through the trouble of making a prototype, otherwise, and, unlike figures like Xavier or The Lone Ranger, he won't waste the opportunity to make a quick buck of the Batman faithful. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, it's still all his fault.
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