HOT TOYS - DX15 - Batman Returns KEATON BATMAN

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On a positive note ht are speeding through A2 and gotg, sooner they are done and out the way the better, then maybe ht can get back to pushing pending projects.

I have a feeling the sooner they are done the sooner they will be pushing Batman v Superman and Captain America 3.

Hope the squeeze this one in as I always loved the Batman Returns suit.
I've pretty much given up on BR. I know Batman will go up for PO eventually but even then it will take another 12 months to be released. I can't blame HT since Marvel is where the money is right now. Oh well at least I'm getting the 89 SS PF soon.
I think HT's not speeding up with AoU and GotG to get things done so they can take care of their backlogs. They could be doing so to catch up with the phase Marvel's releasing their movies. As long as HT follows each and every Marvel release on-screen, other licenses will take the backseat, perhaps waiting for random Toy Fair releases. I think they can only get the backlogs done soon enough by adding more resources. Not a fact, just how I see it.

Unfortunately, HT could be holding on to the fans of long-celebrated licenses like Batman Returns -- that no matter when they release it or how much it would cost upon release, there would always be people who'd buy them. Because these licenses are as iconic and classic as iconic and classic could get. With Marvel, if they don't keep up, sales would be hurt. Just look at how many people are cancelling their Stealth Caps now that AoU's up on PO. Sideshow could be wishing that Stealth was released much sooner (though it was already fast from proto to final product) and/or the Port Strike didn't happen, so that the figures have been delivered before they could cancel.
Marvel is making them money but they are paying licensing more. I heard that RDJ likeness cost a Lot and that why there are so many Iron Man figures.
Marvel it's just flavor of the month BS right now. Hard to keep up with 20 versions of each character, people sell the old one to get the new, it's never ending.

They can all go bankrupt for all I care. With only three PO's for this year I'm more than set.

Even if BvS is a hit, I won't likely be buying anything at first. The market will be SO saturated with figures that it would likely become TDK all over again, impulse purchases on characters I never gave a damn about.
I hope Thanos kicks Indy off the Sideshow forum banner up there so this Hot Toys Marvel/Disney thing looks really tacky.
And those are the same ones that once said :

"This is the Cap to own", referring to the Stealth Cap. Lol.
Without the traditional colours I don't know why anyone would have ever said that (But I'm sure they did). Apparently though loads of people think the AoU suit is crap even with the red, white and blue. So a truly definitive Cap figure has yet to happen. But probably will before Batman Returns sees release :lol
Seems like they shot themselves (or Sideshow) in the foot there.

It seems like the only ones keeping their orders of Stealth Cap are hardcore Cap fans and completists.

HT's really rushing AoU that it may have made them decide to release the one which is easier to make since the sculpts are ready, overlooking the effect on the sales of the earlier figure. While I like the new Cap (I loved the costume since the first photos of Evans in it surfaced), they could have launched AoU Hawkeye first and waited til Stealth Caps were delivered.

I wouldn't be surprised if AoU Thor goes up next, whether or not TDW version's sculpt gets re-used.
Atleast the Avengers 2 Hot Toys figures have more all new figures than redos. More than half of them are all new. The other half are Avengers 2: Age of the Repaints. You can see why they pumped Iron Man and Cap out first since they're the easiest to do. I still think it was silly with Cap since he's clashing with Stealth Suit which is BRAND new. They killed their sales there.


- Mark 43 (Iron Man 3 repaint)
- AoU Cap (Stealth suit repaint)
- AoU Thor (Dark World repaint)
- AoU Black Widow (Avengers/Winter Soldier)
- AoU Hulk (Avengers repaint w/ new pants)

Partially new

- AoU Hawkeye (repaint of Avengers head with new clothes)

All new

- Quicksilver
- Scarlet Witch
- Vision
- Ultron
- Hulkbuster
- 1/4 Mark 43

Maaaan, that's a huge line right off the bat. All of that is atleast a solid three months of Age of Ultron figures and that's not even counting things they haven't teased from the line. Gonna be a loonnnng Spring/Summer, then when that is over it'll be nothing but Stat Wars: Force Awakens stuff.
Darn I forgot about the new SW film. Must be another high-priority on HT's to-do list.

AoU Cap's release is really premature IMO. I thought before that Mark 43 would be released later since 42's units are still warming SSC warehouse, but HT went with it to kick off the line since it's basically a repaint of Mark 42 thus easiest to make. At least Mark 42's delivered to almost everyone who's got it on PO before Mark 43 was up, so it's the owners' problem if they want 43 and not keep 42. With Stealth Cap being frozen in shipping containers, on the other hand...
It seems like the only ones keeping their orders of Stealth Cap are hardcore Cap fans and completists.

HT's really rushing AoU that it may have made them decide to release the one which is easier to make since the sculpts are ready, overlooking the effect on the sales of the earlier figure. While I like the new Cap (I loved the costume since the first photos of Evans in it surfaced), they could have launched AoU Hawkeye first and waited til Stealth Caps were delivered.

I wouldn't be surprised if AoU Thor goes up next, whether or not TDW version's sculpt gets re-used.

You are probably right with Thor and Hawkeye has had quite a bit of interest so it wouldn't have mattered I think if they had put him up (the only other Avenger I think I will be buying this go round).

I would still buy TWS Cap now if I had the money (12 months is enough time to save the rest of my budget) but this release with the 2 sculpts seems to have really killed the interest in the 2 pack unless someone wanted a civilian Steve.

Back to BR they haven't shown any accessories (least I haven't seen any) what are you expecting or hope will come with Bats? Obvious ones would a grapple gun and batarangs (remote rang ftw!)
Back to BR they haven't shown any accessories (least I haven't seen any) what are you expecting or hope will come with Bats? Obvious ones would a grapple gun and batarangs (remote rang ftw!)

All I want is a Keaton's headsculpt.
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