lol@$300 head sculpts
Now announce the Batwing and make this the perfect weekend HT! And officially make me a single man!
I know Jokes and bats explained how to get that lining out, but as it turns out, I'm the less skilled person in the world when it comes to mod ANYTHING, hence my dislike to expensive mods here and there. It's just jealousy.
I might have been an ass regarding those (including yours) but i didn't really mean to be a complete **** about it. Would you care to explain how to do it as if you were taking to a 4 year old?
I've never been much a fan of the Returns suit - always preferring the '89 suit - but I gotta say it works EXTREMELY well in figure form. If they throw in the glider wings and a Keaton headsculpt so this figure really stands out next to the '89 DX, I'm in.It's a DX definitely... PERS panel it's the same as DX09.
I've never been much a fan of the Returns suit - always preferring the '89 suit - but I gotta say it works EXTREMELY well in figure form. If they throw in the glider wings and a Keaton headsculpt so this figure really stands out next to the '89 DX, I'm in.
Nicely put.I know that whenever the Penguin takes control of my car I get pissed off--I can only imagine how Batman feels.
Keaton really did make the best faces--more than any other actor since, he managed to make the cowl work for him rather than be swallowed up by it. His work with his eyes alone was impressive.
I don't care what anyone says. To this day Keaton's performance as Batman is still the best. He alone managed to give the impression that there is a damaged, hurting person under that mask rather than a mere rich dilettante. His speech to Catwoman at the end of Returns, where he tells her that they're both damaged, "cracked, right down the middle" is the best Batman moment ever committed to film.
Is he wearing Jordan VIs?
I've never been much a fan of the Returns suit - always preferring the '89 suit - but I gotta say it works EXTREMELY well in figure form. If they throw in the glider wings and a Keaton headsculpt so this figure really stands out next to the '89 DX, I'm in.
Exactly. It's one of those cases where the figure version looks better than the film version. I'm looking at you, Classic Predator...They translated the film look of the suit and made it better looking.
I'm happy with the DX09. I prefer the 89 suit and I may be in the minority here but I think they captured Keaton better with the 09 (I mean it's hard to improve on perfection!).
Not to take away from the DX15 though as this looks great and hot toys have done an amazing job
Not really, in the movie it was yellow.
Great little section of what I'm guessing was promotion for Robocop.
Keaton talks about wearing the suit.
And suddenly Gary Oldman is there!