Super Freak
@ $600 BD Catwoman head should come with real hair, from Michelle Pfieffer herself.
There is several reasons for delay. Usually it's licensing where it's a boxing match to come with one price. Each character from this movie might have 3 greedy little paws to satisfy. Warner has rights to batman, then you have Tim burton for conceptual design rights, finally likeness rights.
No, there's only one reason: HT.
Then there is materials. Ht may want to do all 3 characters in one go so they don't have to go into the ring again. The penguin costume on surface looks simple but I made a custom for someone and it's a very complicated pattern. Catwoman has her own complication since costume deteriorated 3 different times. Most likely they will do the 2 nd costume because the 1st and last costume was only in 1-2 scenes.
Catwoman's white stitches are intricate work. And customers won't be pleased if this was done in a print. No they want texture for there money. They could do in theory what studio did and do stitches separately and glue groups of stitches to body suit. Or hand stitch them on either way she will end up a pricey figure.
WTF??? Are you serious??? Ht having problems with fabrics or materials??? Oh my god... Have you seen Batmobile, Chewbacca, Delorean, Ripley, Robocop...???
They probably spent 2 years clearing licensing. What's holding things up is waiting in approval and making changes based on the proto. And Warner's final sign off. This is not Hot Toys fault. Place Blaine on Warner Bro's there a pain for anyone to deal with and extremely sue happy. The only time that isn't slow is for those cheep toys that come out after the movie. That's usually already done before movie is finished.
No. They have spent 3 years (not 2), just because they know that the money (big money) is on Iron Man, Avengers, etc... Burton's Batman is not a big business, fans of this franchise are not so large as IM, Avengers or Nolan Batman. This is a fact (and it hurts me, believe me).
Dc comics just gets a royalties check for use of there label unless it's a comic based figure but usually easier to deal with but warner has to get their cut. Which slows down each and every figure.
Exactly.Those are crazy numbers even by HT standards.
As much as I admire Ol' Jacky Boy, I can only imagine what it's like to deal with him.
You really believe HT will do another Nicholson? I would think Howard's learned his lesson by now.
Dude's a hell of a businessman. His Batman deal is the stuff of legend, and, when you think about stuff like Hot Toys, it makes it all the more impressive. They've got to pay him to use his likeness on a bunch of toys that he'll get a cut of...after he's already been paid. I have to assume that they'll try to milk his likeness for as long as they've got it. Personally, I'd love to see a 1/4 Scale version of him. I doubt it's happen, but, if we lived in a world where we got QS 89 Batman and Joker? Fuhgetabodit.
The figure varies depending on the source, but didn't Jack make $60M for Batman? According to IMDb, it was a record as of 2003, but I thought Keanu made more for the Matrix movies.
Also, according to IMDb, when Jack hesitated when offered the role, it was offered to Robin Williams, forcing Jack's hand. Williams later refused to play the Riddler in Forever.