Your paint job looks great, but to be clear, the dark silver/gunmetal rims aren't "wrong"...if you mean to display it as the 89 version. Making them black only "fixes" them if you are going for the Batman Returns look. The rims were NOT the same color in both films, so displaying it as a 89 or 92 depending on your mood really comes down to your willingness to constantly repaint...or your imagination.
Okay, this is the first picture of this figure that I don't like. The other pics were 100% dead-on, but this one...I don't know. I'm not feeling the Keatonness.
Did anyone ever get around to building and selling custom black batmobile rims? I've never customized a figure ever, but that's something I would be interested in.
Agreed.Can the Batmobile talk stay in the appropriate thread. I keep getting excited for new pics when this gets bumped.
honestly though besides what we saw at the Con id doubt there will be any new pics till a pre-order.
Di Fabio we need a photoshop work with this... Batman in Gotham, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!
Here is a dead on center pic I just ripped from a YT video because don't think we have one and why not.
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