Got mine in from Mike at Razor's last night (awesome service), first impression is that he is essentially Berserker with no removeable mask or cannon.
I think poseability is the same as Mr. Black from what I can see which is good, aside from not being able to raise the left arm past 90 degrees. I really dig on the open left hand with the mech gauntlet.
The Bio is awesome, just wish it came off to a real sculpt, I also really like the way the dreds are painted on this one, the paint overall is top notch even for HT.
The clear post for mounting the Falcon is horrendous, thick, obvious and also limits where you can put him on a shelf as it requires space behind the fig. It really seems like a terrible solution from HT to go that route. I also noticed that when I turn the light on, it takes anywhere from one to five seconds to come on

Overall, he's a keeper, looks great in the lineup and adds some more green so Lost does not feel lonely, bring on the Tracker and Classic !!!