Hot Toys Gary Oldman Commisioner Gordon on the way

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I never understood why Oldman withholds his okay, anyway, It gives him more money for just an approval. The only reason I can think of is that he's afraid toy companies won't do a good job but I think Hot Toys' Reputation speaks for itself.

I don't understand this either and it's not about the money issue for me. If a rep from Hot Toys came to me and showed me product photos for figures they had done in the past I would jump on board right away. What a cool way to be immortalized.

I get that people have their own reasons but I just don't get it.

However I do think that everytime I post in this thread I'm going to have to mention....

But if they weren't wanting to do it with Oldman's likeness, why not put it out beofre now with a non-specific sculpt.

Simple really, they were holding out to do something official, when they realized it wasn't going to happen they got permission to do it anyway and will put it out.

If they were going to do that, it'd be done by now. TDK was 2 years ago, and half a dozen figures from HT. The only logical reason to still consider making him and not making him to date would be not wanting to do it without his likeness. TDK buzz has passed, between time and the QC nightmare of the DX Batman, people are moving on, a Gordon without likeness now wouldn't do well at all. Of course, there'll likely be no Gordon at all until Batman 3, either way.

I'm sure HT was holding out to get it (they might have so this might be a moot point) but they know that Gordon will sell much more than even Harvey Dent because of who the character is. If I were HT that'd have been the only figure other than the mains that I would have done. Remember that they showed off in the teasers for Harvey a Bruce Wayne that had a different expression and suit then we've seen that never came to light, I'm sure that Gordon's sculpt was probably said and done. It might be an issue of him approving the likeness which is another stumbling block.

I never understood why Oldman withholds his okay, anyway, It gives him more money for just an approval. The only reason I can think of is that he's afraid toy companies won't do a good job but I think Hot Toys' Reputation speaks for itself.

A lot of actors feel that merchandising is whoring themselves out so to speak. Many serious actors who care a lot about their craft refuse to do it, the thing is sometimes the role like Superhero films or Harry Potter for example have that as a standard agreement per their contracts....sometimes that makes them shy away even further because they were forced to do it at one point.

That article reads as though there's no problem with the likeness issues anyway... sounds like we'd be getting an officially licensed likeness of Oldman as Gordon when they do make one.

To me the article reads more like whatever was the hold up is now not an issue which may also indicate just going around it.
All I can say is that Hot Toys sure has a LOT of things going for which banks are you guys going to rob? I'll be the one dressed up as the Joker. Anybody up for being in my gang? Preferably someone who missed the first 10 minutes of the dark knight movie. :D
I don't need to rob a bank. I run my own company...

Is there gonna be a Batman 3? Haven't heard any buzz on it. I hope HT does a Gordon before then. Hate to wait so long for it.

Where is Batman 3? Have they even started it?

The cast maybe different. Batmans in the past have usualy come in twos maybe there will be another change up.
Highly unlikely dude. Nolan is on for the third, and Michael Caine, Oldman and Bale are widely reported to have signed on for 3 films
I'm glad Nolan and Bale are on for a third. Oldman is a plus too.

I wouldn't have thought they'd be a switch up either but we're guessing characters to a theoretical sequel here.
Nolan has stated his brother is working on the screenplay...

I’m very excited about the end of the film, the conclusion, and what we’ve done with the characters. My brother has come up with some pretty exciting stuff. Unlike the comics, these thing don’t go on forever in film and viewing it as a story with an end is useful. Viewing it as an ending, that sets you very much on the right track about the appropriate conclusion and the essence of what tale we’re telling. And it hearkens back to that priority of trying to find the reality in these fantastic stories. That’s what we do.
The third film will be the last for Nolan, he has said that from the beginning. As for Bale, he has said many things including that he'd play Batman until he was too old to do it because he liked the role and didn't care about being typecasted, then again he said if they introduce a Robin then he'd leave the franchise so who knows after 3 where his mindset will be...
Would suck if the Gordon announcement is an April Fool's joke.
Then wouldn't that whole interview be a joke? ;)
I don't understand this either and it's not about the money issue for me. If a rep from Hot Toys came to me and showed me product photos for figures they had done in the past I would jump on board right away. What a cool way to be immortalized.

Yeah, but the actor himself may not be meeting with a rep from Hot Toys or be seeing their product. Unless they're collectors themselves, they won't know what Hot Toys is or how much craft goes into the 1/6 stuff. If all they hear from their agent is that "These guys want to make action figures of you," it likely sparks to their mind stuff like the crappy 3-inch Star Wars figures - cheap toys to make a quick buck.

Also, they may want to draw a line between being an actor and being a pop culture icon. They may see their job as taking a role in a production and infusing it with life - nothing more beyond that (including being on posters, in tie-ins and spin-offs, in merchandising, etc.). They want their craft to be as respected as if they were Shakespearean actors.

Like an author who doesn't want movie adaptations of their material being done - maybe they just want to connect to people via their books, and that's it.
The third film will be the last for Nolan, he has said that from the beginning. As for Bale, he has said many things including that he'd play Batman until he was too old to do it because he liked the role and didn't care about being typecasted, then again he said if they introduce a Robin then he'd leave the franchise so who knows after 3 where his mindset will be...

Why does Bale hate the idea of Robin? Is it the tired old homoerotic overtones a 'dynamic duo' give off or does he just want the focus to be on his character?
It could have to do with none of that. The sidekick concept with Robin hasn't really been handled in a mature way ever, the old Adam West show and the Schumacher films were both a bit silly. Now, the comics may have handled it well, but in terms of wanting anything to do with it in a movie, I could see Bale being concerned that the inclusion of Robin would also lead to a less serious type of film than what Nolan's done.
I'm sure that Nolan would do the character justice though. He made up A LOT for the Dent/Two-face character in my opinion. Tommy Lee Jones is usualy great but I couldn't take him seriously. Not a bad actor just a badly written character.
That is how I took as well. While its still a comic book movie Nolan has treated it with respect, hell TDK felt more like a crime drama like Heat than a comic book movie. The inclusions of Robins in live action haven't played well especially in the last franchise not to mention that its difficult to put in and have it still be serious. I thought Frank Miller's All Star Batman and Robin did a nice job of why Robin would be included as well as his training and keeping a darker tone but I doubt it'd be a direct translation. Nolan himself is against Robin as well, he was quoted back in the TDK press junkets over and over.

Christopher Nolan has made it clear that the new "Batman" film franchise will not bring Robin into the mythology as long as he is directing, apparently having stated that Robin is in a crib somewhere still and the timeline isn't appropriate for him to enter the picture

He views Robin as a gimmick and originally it was a way to bring younger readers in.
That's a bit harsh.

Robin, whether you like it or not, is a very integrel part of the Batman story line.You can't really ignore it. I liked how the 90's animated series treated the character. He helped Batman but was never the main focus. Once it switched the Adventures of Batman and Robin though he was brought in way more and I never liked it as much. Robin shouldn't be equal to Batman.
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