It amazes me that they can do so well on Preds, but seem to refuse to pull off accurate Aliens of any movie. There's always some dumb stuff they do differently than the actual design. I can't believe they waited this long to be this wrong.
Hands: Failed. What do they have against the second thumb looking right? They did it right on the AVP Aliens, and screwed it up slightly on the Dog, but this is just ridiculously off. It's not a fifth finger; it's a second thumb.
Skull: Failed. Less is more and more is crap. They put too much detail into the skull and made it wrong. Do they honestly think they are improving on something when they do this crap?
Dorsal Pipes: Could be better. The top center one looks totally wrong though. The others on the Aliens Warrior were pretty much the only accurate things to that piece even though they were too short.
Mouth: Could be way better, but I'm giving that some credit just because it's rubber over articulated frame.
Body: Very good with two exceptions.
-First, the shoulders should have a more pronounced ribbed tubing on them. Hot Toys kinda of rolled that under and made it less visible.
-Second, what is with the buff looking calves? They should be straighter like the forearms.
Feet: Excellent!
Tail: Excellent!
Head & dome shape and sculpt: Excellent!
First Alien to come with a base: 'Bout damn time!
If they convert this into an Aliens Warrior at some point, count me in, but I don't need this figure unless they do some major work on it before release. So far Preds and Aliens have never gotten reworked before final release, so I doubt it. Money saved.
NECA wins!
Been looking closely at the new pics, and there's a
lot of stuff that is
very wrong with this alien.
Building on SS's list, here's a few more little details:
Arms: there's some extra ribbing going on the inside of the forearm. Again, are they thinking they are
improving on Giger's design?
Neck: it looks wrong, too wide and some of the detailing looks invented.
Hips: again, the seems to be extra tubes/ribbing that weren't there (on second thought, maybe it's not wrong, would have to get a better view)
Legs: fantastically wrong! Again there's ribbing on the inside of the calves, and as SS pointed out, what's with the muscle? Also, the three "bars" on the back of the leg (towards the ankle) look to be the wrong shape.
Feet: can't see much, but it seems they're missing the oxen jaws.
So, overall, taking into account Silent Surfer's list it's a gigantic FAIL in my not-so-humble opinion.
Seriously, it's like they don't want to compete against NECA and Medicom with an accurate representation. Which to me looks like a big F-U to the Alien fans.
It's not a matter of fixing the mouth and skull, it's a matter of re-sculpting the whole damn thing if they want to give us an accurate figure (which they obviously don't care about).
I really wonder, did anybody ever go up to Hot Toys or their president or whoever makes the decisions about the aliens and tell them "hey guys, you know what, the designs made by a surreal artist from Switzerland and brought to film by a genius movie maker aren't really that hot, so why don't you just go ahead and make them
better? Oh, and the stuff made by that dude from the states who designed and brought to life amazing creatures in countless films, the stuff he made for one of the best sequels EVER and overseen by one of the great directors, disregard that as well, you know, just give it your twist and make it cooler *wink wink*, you guys RULE!".
Who the ^^^^ told them that?
As far as I can remember, nobody has ever gone up to
any toy company
asking them to re-invent these things. But we've always been very vocal about having accurate things.
Yeah, Hot Toys cares a lot...

I hope you mediocre bastards come in and read this thread.
Anyway, rant over. They have the reference pics, the mails, the postings on their facebook page and this thread (among many others discussing accuracy), if they care about it, they can do something about it.
Time to move on.
As an imaginary Nostromo alien it's a really nice figure, but I do worry about posing it with the way it's built. It looks like the hips will have even less poseability than the Medicom version.
The color looks really nice, much much better than the Aliens version. The rest of their aliens I've always been fine with the paint apps.