Love the entitlement of "should have given us that arm because we had to wait"... First they required a small deposit, then when they announced the delay they offered refunds and held the price, which if you know anything about money/production would have hit them pretty hard, then they add in the feature of placing a figure in the thing (useless and hampers articulation, a now chief complaint by everyone). Then its released and really good, the price almost instantly doubles and you ******* whine that theyre running the production again to make some money on their invesent...
Hahaha, this made me chuckle.
Good rant...although to be fair, I do understand both side's argument. In the end no one wins...except HT.
been on a breaking bad kick
A re-release a year after the first one shipped is really a bit smarmy on HT's part. No doubt they did the R&D to add the jackhammer arm before the first one shipped. But instead of adding it as a bonus for the long wait, they hold it back knowing the second release was imminent. Provided there would be a relatively simple way to swap out the arm without damaging the figure, HT should at least offer it separately as an accessory. How hard would it be to increase the run. I'm sure this will be at least $100 more, if not $150. However they might just do a bust instead of a full second figure this time and keep the price the same. I don't mind a re-release for those who missed out on the first time (I almost did), but there should have been at least another year in between, and it really should not be a better package for the same price.
So much the better. I prefer to see figures get less expensive rather than more expensive. And if I did decide I could not live without the arm (not the case), $600 would be a lot easier to justify. Unfortunately, if it's a comparable package (HB 1.1 with full figure and jackhammer arm) I would amazed if it even they held to the original price. Prices have continued to creep up, plus HT sees what they are going for in a secondary. $1,200 is considered a bargain.Love to see reactions if they sell this at something like $600.
Hahaha, this made me chuckle.
Good rant...although to be fair, I do understand both side's argument. In the end no one wins...except HT.
It's a case of diminishing returns if you figure how many originally wanted, could afford and had space for this. Those people already have the 1st and very few would buy a second (or 3rd) one. The ones that could not afford or missed the 1st most likely have already PO the IW version.
That leaves the small number that somehow (it was up for PO for 2 years) missed the 1st and can afford it. I doubt that is enough people to make it worth the trouble to make more as this has been out less than a year.
I could see some kind of rerelease in 5 years when you have a large number of new collectors who missed and want this.
Just my opinion i have no facts and this could go up for PO later tonight.
I wonder how many people would jump on it if it turned out that it was based on the original design that had no space for a figure inside, but better articulation?
Well said. Capitalism at it's finest. I.e...You got to pimp that ho til she can't ho no mo.Business wise it offsets the tooling cost. Tooling is the most expensive production part of most these figures. Especially iron man ones. (Tooling is the term used to describe the mold itself and the casing used to attach the mold to the machinery and any inserts used inside the mold. Those inserts are how they can have a piece that looks identical on the outside but have different internals to accommodate unique wiring on a new figure or pins to line up in different places like mk3 diecast and the construction mk3 and so on, or have small changes to external features and the same masters of the universe figures)
So if they can reissue a piece reusing tooling it spreads that cost out further. Even if they only sell 50% of the original run it’s a win business wise because the tooling has already been paid for with the previous release. Reused tooling is the life blood of any retail mass market line. From Gi Joe to transformers to masters.
I wonder how many people would jump on it if it turned out that it was based on the original design that had no space for a figure inside, but better articulation?
But what if the tooling was not paid for from the previous release due to the redesign and people cancelling orders?
It was paid for. Even if they sold 0 figures, they still had to actually pay for the tooling to make it. If they made a profit on the figure or not is not the same thing. They do not now need to buy all new tooling because it was already done for the last figure.