Damn, just when I thought I was fine not getting this one, they tempt me all over again.
Damn, just when I thought I was fine not getting this one, they tempt me all over again.
Haha yes finally Hot toys must be paying attention to Ebay so what will happen to all those prices
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Please say that you mean the Hulkbuster 1.0 dexlue “reissue” and not the “lighter than a diecast Iron Man” Hulkbuster 2.0 from IW. Honestly, I don’t understand why they go from one of the most impressive pieces ever to be produced by HT’s (still) to something made with recycled shampoo bottles that barely moves with details that make you think you are looking at a blurry picture.
If HT’s knew thatthey might have made a real successor to the original Hulkbuster figure. Ah who knows, maybe they will make a fully articulated Hulkbuster 2.0 with a banner torso (like Iron Monger) sinceStark was going to die in EndgameHT’s bread and butter has become the armors. People would buy it I think, I would!it was actually used in Endgame, Stark is dead and
Only 15 minutes left and we can stop having to use the spoiler tags!
Surprising move. I thought they wouldn't do it so soon as it might affect the sales of any new Thor figures.. Does that mean we need to wait for Endgame Thor?
Yes. From the merchandise out it’s obvious that companies were given conceptual art that doesn’t match the actual film which is why we’ve got so much inaccurate stuff. I’d bet that HT’s original Endgame Thor is all wrong, they want to take advantage of the hype so they reissue this while they’re still getting their Endgame version done. I wouldn’t be shocked if the proper Endgame Thor prototype isn’t even at SDCC
A massive fu to the ebay scalpers...I love it...will be ordering as soon as I can find a supplier. The KO Ancient one has also been reissued no doubt after her appearance in Endgame, which I guess works because I wasn't in the slightest bit interested in her on first release but have ordered this time round, will look nice displayed next to banner or Hulk.
Hi guys. I’ve never bought off sideshow before. I’ve been on the wait list for a Thor just over a week. So with this latest announcement of the re issue does this mean sideshow will get more stock and the waitlist will convert?
Hi guys. I’ve never bought off sideshow before. I’ve been on the wait list for a Thor just over a week. So with this latest announcement of the re issue does this mean sideshow will get more stock and the waitlist will convert?
It says reissue and it was under the Infinity War branding.So is this an IW reissue or will this be released under the EG license?