Any place you can pick up your other collectibles. Sideshow, BBTS, AlterEgo.... There are to many to list. Check under the Commerce thread in the dealer list for a larger list.
Any place you can pick up your other collectibles. Sideshow, BBTS, AlterEgo.... There are to many to list. Check under the Commerce thread in the dealer list for a larger list.
I am so glad I came across this forum searching fro ironman goodies. Needless to say its prompted me to join this great site, and become a first time buyer of the hot-toys ironman! Well actually gonna pick up Batty first. Can't wait for updates, and hope to get to know some of the other memebers on the site better.
I am so glad I came across this forum searching for ironman goodies. Needless to say its prompted me to join this great site, and become a first time buyer of the hot-toys ironman! Well actually gonna pick up Batty first. Can't wait for updates, and hope to get to know some of the other memebers on the site better.
I plan on going amazingly broke with HT Iron Man stuff. Thankfully there will only be the threat of Iron Monger to the wallet and nothing like a Tumbler looming overhead.
I plan on going amazingly broke with HT Iron Man stuff. Thankfully there will only be the threat of Iron Monger to the wallet and nothing like a Tumbler looming overhead.
I know what your saying man.
lol, Ive got the rest of this year to finish school, and I'm already in the hole...Hot-Toys is going to put me 6" under, well worth it. They already have me remodeling my room just to put up some awesome display areas.
Thanks for the welcome's guys.