Hot Toys is celebrating The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary and Star Wars: Dark Side? in 2024

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Correction: there's a real high chance of HT showing a preview of Queen Amidala and never making one. Ever.
Good point and actually, I’m glad we never saw any prototypes for the rotj 40th. It would have been an even worse letdown than the 2 repaints.
It's quite fascinating to see folks keep bringing up that awful treatment for ROTJ last year and immediately jump into the conclusion that this TPM anni end up the same or even much worse.

AOTC anniversary got 9 brand new figures during the celebrated year. ( big shout-out again to the dedicated work of our most trusted bro @Getter Dragon for the wonderful SW visual checklist). TPM's probably not getting the same number but definitely not as pathetic as ROTJ. I would say three is the most feasible and realistic number - Padawan Obi, Battle Droid with S.T.AP, the last one is remaining to be seen but hopefully a Jar Jar Bink because I'd love to see it causes mayhem and pain around here.
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I'd love a Duel of the Fates trio (updates as needed), droideka, and no joke I'd buy Jar Jar. He is an iconic design even if he isn't well liked.
I'd love a Duel of the Fates trio (updates as needed), droideka, and no joke I'd buy Jar Jar. He is an iconic design even if he isn't well liked.
For all the hate JJB gets,he is iconic to me for his design and the breakthroughs that ILM made to continue getting digital characters on screen.
Add to that the BS that Ahmed Best went through.
He is the archetypal joker character,the fool,he brings levity and he also is a child favourite.
Also a crucial character who is used to bring about Emergency powers given to Palpatine(through his weak mindedness and manipulation by Palpatine).
I can't see him getting made,HT would probably do a TPM R2 before JJB.

With the way sales for the PT Yoda have gone,I'd love to see him reissued with TPM packaging.
Ki Adi Mundi too etc etc

Maul and Padawan Kenobi are probably the givens here,as well as the BD with STAP.

The lack of ROTJ Anniversary has soured me.
You know what, I might actually go for a second Maul.
Mine has been posed leaping off the speeder bike since I got it because I’ve been waiting for Obi Wan before I recreate Duel of Fates.
A second Maul would let me display both so the bike doesn’t end up going to waste.
  • Young Anakin (deluxe could be a 2-pack or 3-pack—Slave, Podracer, Padawan
  • Padawan Obi-Wan
  • Queen Amidala
  • Padme Amidala
  • Jar-Jar
  • Darth Maul (updated)
  • Senator Palpatine
  • Aurra Sing
  • Nute Gunray
  • Senate Guard
  • C3PO
HT would never do all of these. However, if they were to produce maybe three figures I'd go with Anakin 2-/3-pack, Obi-Wan and Padme, The current Darth Maul is still perfectly fine, although I wouldn't be surprised to see HT just do a reissue and call it a day. The prequels are becoming more popular, so maybe 3rd party producers will pick up some of the others on the list. There's already a decent looking Queen Amidala in the works. Jar Jar is a tossup but could happen, especially if young Anakin gets produced Aurra Sing shouldn't be that difficult and a short run would likely sell well. I been waiting forever for someone to produce a Senate Guard (preferably with the face shield). While I would prefer the armor under the cloak, the easiest solution would be to produce it as a head & outfit kit and sell for around $100. Nute as well as other Neimiodians could also be done as kits. The only really tough one would be C3PO. Even HT might back away from that one due to the complexity.
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Jar Jar DX, 1/4 scale, and CosBaby announcement would be great.

But realistically, this is obviously just going to be more re-releases. Darth Maul 5.0 or whatever, probably another Obi Wan.
All this time I'm thinking of Anakin's look for the most of TPM, I forgot about Padawan Anakin at the end of the movie. Now that would be great next to AOTC and ROTS Anakins. He could also maybe be packaged with C3PO without his outer shell. I would definitely be in for an updated Qui-Gon.
There is so much good stuff from TPM, and I fear I would cave on every release.

Personally I love OOM-9, and the security droids from Naboo. Those old school B1-voices are so cool. To go with them, the obvious answer as so many others have stated, is of course Obi and since I never got my hands on Qui-Gon I pray for a reissue!
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