Hot Toys is celebrating The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary and Star Wars: Dark Side? in 2024

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Lucas simp
Jun 6, 2017
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Happy New Year folks!

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Curious what they’ll do with TPM. If they gave us a Padawan Obi-Wan and child Anakin I’d be pretty happy.

Already have Qui-Gon. I have the Solo version of Maul but would consider a TPM version.

Wonder if Jar Jar is a possibility. Maybe Queen Amidala and a normal painted Battle Droid? I don’t need a third 3PO but an early version without the paneling would be interesting.
The “Dark Side” thing is just a marketing campaign that all licensors will be participating in - Funko, Hasbro, Lego, etc. It isn’t a big deal at all. They’ll just be wrapping already developed product in Dark Side-themed packaging. Yawn.
TPM is visually exquisite so I’ll be down for everything that I don’t already own.

Most important ones for me-
Obi Wan
Jar Jar
Little Ani
Maybe little Ani will be an accesories pack with watto and sebulba, various accesories, and another one packaged with pod racer, a lot of reuse part there

And I need a reissue qui-gon, what improvement could be made beside pers and artisan treatment?
Basic battle droid and 2000 wooly haired Qui Gons with literally nothing else offered.
I suspect the Dark Side line will get y'all your Dark Side Anakin reissue, though. But watch it be limited LOL.

I also think we'll probably get something like a Dark Side Rey.

Really hoping we see Savage Opress and/or Darth Revan. Those two are by far my most desired dark side users.

TPM stuff honestly will probably just be reissues. Outside of Padawan Obi-Wan and Queen Amidala. I don't see them making Jar Jar even though that would be pretty cool and they definitely aren't going to do little Ani lol.
Lil Ani
Padme (tattooine)
Padme (Theed)
Qui Gon (reissue)
Battle Droid
Jar Jar
Maul (reissue)

That is about as much as I expect them to do. Probably less.

Me personally, I most want Queen Amidala in the Iconic dress, Droideka, Newt Gunray and some concept art "ninja" Obiwan, Quigon and Maul figures

I doubt there will be anything of note in the dark side thing but would be great opportunity for various villains so if HT have any sense they will actually take the chance to make something like Trilla, Starkiller, Revan, Ventress etc
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Possible ways TPM 25th could go:

If like AOTC 20th: lots of figures and happy collectors all around (plus empty wallets and pissed off spouses)

If like ROTJ 40th: reissued Maul, slightly upgraded Quigon and nothing else.

If like 2003 Clone Wars 20th: a bunch of Filoni 2008 TCW figures
TPM 25th...

Reissue Maul with Speeder.
Padawan Kenobi.
Jar Jar
Ani and Sebulba 2pk.
Battle Droid and STAP.

Darth Sidious!!!!

Perfect timing to do a Palpatine AND a Sidious a DX
I think Kenobi, Qui-Gon, and Maul are certain. Jar Jar and Queen Amidala are also very likely. I can't see them doing a young Anakin, but anything is possible.
Nothing for me from Episode 1, but maybe I'll take a couple of battle droids.
TPM Darth Maul 2.0 is all we’re probably gonna get :lol and I’ll buy it too since his release was before I refocused my collection predominantly Star Wars
In the past if they had already released figures for that movie before, they will only do 2 new figures in special packaging for the anniversary year. Probably release the STAP droid, if lucky, padawan Obi Wan. I already have a battle droid on STAP. As much as I hope for a Droideka, Jar Jar and Queen Amidala, wouldn't get my hopes up. Wait and see.
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