Hot Toys Justice League Batman

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Come on Sideshow make my waitlist a order now grrr.

The standard figure is sold out but you can still order the Deluxe version of this figure, though no? If you have or plan to get Tactical Suit Batman the parademon base that comes with the Deluxe version is perfect for Tac Bats. (That parademon base and parademon blaster really belong with the Tactical Suit version anyway to begin with. HT just included them with the standard version to try to make us buy both figures.) Price difference between standard and Deluxe is about $30 but in the great scheme of things not a big deal.

It?s an absolute beast.
Got my jaxon drape cape the other day, it?s okay. Better than stock but it?s no where as good as unreals wired cape, might have to get a drape cape from unreals

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This is definitely for me the best Batman of Hot Toys


It never ceases to amaze me how good this guy turned out. I was 100% regretting it, thinking I had all the Batmen I needed and was going to sell on. But he looks so good.

Testament to how good the Afleck version was, and what a travesty for the Justice League DCEU going forward.
It never ceases to amaze me how good this guy turned out. I was 100% regretting it, thinking I had all the Batmen I needed and was going to sell on. But he looks so good.

Testament to how good the Afleck version was, and what a travesty for the Justice League DCEU going forward.

Affleck has recently been looking healthy and buff. It's a damn shame that we never got to see the full potential realized. But at least we have BvS and... I fully expect now... eventually the Snyder cut of JL. Mainly because of what Sean O'Connell of Cinemablend has recently been reporting (here).

As part of this lament about what we could have gotten, Hoody you might appreciate this read: Obviously take with a mountain of salt, but it all fits together. It may just be made up of course. But if it is accurate it would not surprise me the slightest bit.
Be wary of that subreddit , it’’s nothing but false rumors and lies.

Yeah I?d agree that 95+% is ******** but that 5ish% can very telling as to what a ****-show they were running at WB/DC. I know that I am in the minority with my opinion but I do think Snyder is a hack and that JL was the most entertaining of the films aside from WW.

Regardless, we got some amazing figures from this failed experiment which, especially the JL ones, have very low production numbers. Yeah this Batsuit is an improvement to the BvS and SS versions in almost every way (besides the capes which HT’s just never seems to get right anyways so I always buy customs) and the surprise magnetic gauntlet screen was a nice addition!
Yeah I?d agree that 95+% is ******** but that 5ish% can very telling as to what a ****-show they were running at WB/DC.

Without a doubt, 95% is a good estimate of the proportion of stuff on that sub that is utterly made up. The particular post I referenced struck me as something that could actually have a shot of being in the 5% that is accurate.

I know that I am in the minority with my opinion but I do think Snyder is a hack and that JL was the most entertaining of the films aside from WW.

Actually, I think that is likely the most popular opinion for action-adventure-fantasy film genre fans in general, although not necessarily among hardcore DCEU fans. It fascinates me that whenever I run opinion polls on the DC_Cinematic subreddit I find about 2:1 in support of Snyder's vision. And yet apparently the same group of vocal dislikers (or outright haters) express themselves with caustic posts and downvotes. Whereas the supporters are something more like a silent majority. Evidently people tend to become more energized and expressive about things that they don't like, compared with things that they do like.

I just wish the divided fan community could frame this mainly in terms of respecting differences in taste. As I see it, there is in fact coherence and thoughtfulness to what Snyder did with MoS, BvS, and I expect what we will eventually see in the Snyder cut of JL. I don't waste time "debating" it any more, because what usually ends up happening is that I and the other person just end up ignoring each other's points and keep reasserting what we want to say for those that are like-minded. It's not like either of us is going to convince anyone out there who's on the fence, lol. Much less make someone on the other side suddenly see the light.

But anyway one thing that both sides can agree on is that there is a tremendous difference in taste.

I guess I will add to that that while I respect many films as well made, in some cases they just don't strike a chord with me personally. I can appreciate them in terms of workmanship but I have no interest in seeing them more than once. And I didn't love them when I watched them. That doesn't make them "bad" or the director incompetent, etc.

Regardless, we got some amazing figures from this failed experiment which, especially the JL ones, have very low production numbers.

The entire DCEU is probably one of the best looking set of figures I have ever seen.

Yeah this Batsuit is an improvement to the BvS and SS versions

Because I won't open mine until Christmas, I can only judge from the pics and videos. For me the BvS Batsuit is just about damn near perfect, so I'm very curious to see how I feel when I can actually compare.

(besides the capes which HT’s just never seems to get right anyways so I always buy customs) and the surprise magnetic gauntlet screen was a nice addition!

The big exception for me is the BvS Armored Batman (I have the Battle Damaged one). And to some extent JL Tactical Batman. Although the latter does look great with a custom cape.
The big exception for me is the BvS Armored Batman (I have the Battle Damaged one). And to some extent JL Tactical Batman. Although the latter does look great with a custom cape.

Yeah that?s absolutely true about the Armored Bats cape; I never felt the need to buy a custom. Also, I was definitely being a bit rough on HT?s capes as they aren?t always done poorly but most are lacking in at least one area like material, lack of wiring, too much wiring, wiring in the wrong places, length, etc. For Example, IW Dr. Strange is almost perfection!

And regarding the whole Snyder/DCEU/WB/Geoff/movie stuff, I know how you feel, your sentiments seem completely logical and well thought out but you are certainly not exaggerating about not being able to change people?s minds. I honestly feel that has been one of the largest pitfalls with what they tried to do in that they divided the fan base with almost every subsequent movie and someone like myself who feels as though Joss saved JL will never clamor for the Snyder Cut; I would watch it of course, but I cannot give 2 ****s about it.

Good talk!
Any word on when Sideshow is getting the Deluxe in? maybe I wasn't in the first shipment or something.
Any word on when Sideshow is getting the Deluxe in? maybe I wasn't in the first shipment or something.

Deluxe has recently been shipping, for peeps here it has been arriving at their homes over the last week or so.

They look awesome together.

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I'm probably in the minority but I still think the BvS/SS figure looks better. The cowl and colour of the suit especially.

Still waiting for mine. Have to decide if I'm gonna open it and take a look or sell it straight on.
I'm probably in the minority but I still think the BvS/SS figure looks better. The cowl and colour of the suit especially.

Still waiting for mine. Have to decide if I'm gonna open it and take a look or sell it straight on.

Open it up, it looks great in hand

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