Hot Toys Justice League Cyborg

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I agree that it's frustrating but market research won't help - a few people saying they would buy all the figures from a line does not equate to actual sales. And them being transparent with the fact that they never intended to make a krennic wouldn't help their sales either would it. I'm sure lots of people bought the shoretrooper fully expecting the others to be made. Either way it sold out which was hot toys' aim

If they asked on Facebook or even here you'd get more than just a "few people". It would be hundreds, so they could get a feeling of the global market. Rather than a couple of guys sitting in Hong Kong saying OK lets doing this one now.

Anyway, who am I. Just a buying customer who takes what he's given. Yes, I know the comeback....I don't have to buy them.

Hasbro asks their customers. eg Sail barge, or even other figures in this article. I'm not saying all, but a couple which are in question.
well, hope for this is dim. I was never able to get Cyborg in the Super Powers lineas a kid, i guess this isnt any different.
ok guy what is the alternative cyborg in 1/6 scale ?

i know there is some nice statues of cyborg somewhere
What suck's is were probably never see a Cyborg now with Cavill & Affleck gone so will be Flash sadly if No Flash movie idk ?
So disappointing we'll never get to enjoy this display...
...Apart from Howard who no doubt has one in his office along with the 66 Batmobile and all the other cool things they teased but never released. :gah:
I hope they keep him as Cyborg Flash megh Aquaman Megh Wonder Woman only 1`holdng DC World Alive imo. sadly.
Yep it is sad that they WB couldn't get their **** in order and just deliver a few more films with Snyder on board
Really? This again? GTFO with those fake news. I'm bored of this ****.

Kinda proves just how influenced people are by social media these days - why have people become so gullible that they so readily believe the rubbish spouted by online idiots who will post this kind of crap purely for clicks! :cuckoo:
I agree with the avoiding click bait articles but I wish people would stop using that awful Trumpism 'fake news'.
I agree with the avoiding click bait articles but I wish people would stop using that awful Trumpism 'fake news'.

You know what, passions are high enough on these threads without also dragging overt politics into the back and forth. So if you'll try to overlook phrases like this that get you triggered, I'll do my best not to flame anyone who claims 'you didn't build that' or that I can keep my doctor and my plan.... deal?


...and after I read yours, and you read mine, I'm hoping the mods will come in here and clean all this up.
You bastards are way too sensitive. We are just talking collecting n actors roles and if figure's will get released or actors keeping same jl role's. Nothing needed from mods other then to stop being over dramactic lol. Jeez Dc section be more mature.