I'm willing to bet money the next Superman, whatever form that takes, is conceived and marketed as a crowd pleaser...
Both of Ben Affleck's movies were massively panned and neither performed as well at the box office as expected. So when Ben left (which again, does not seem to be some massive conspiracy; dude dedicated years to preparing for a movie he clearly believed in that ultimately was not received as well as ANYONE was hoping it would) they gave the new director free reign to do what he wanted rather than make it a continuation of Snyder's version. Which is more or less what they seem to be doing with DC films as a whole.
Yeah. To the best of my knowledge it?s the only time they have ever teased a new figure that?s due out that quarter with the body of the new one and the headsculpt of the old one.
We were all full of nerd rage until the new one released with the new head, lol.
On a side note, I quite like the MoS sculpt on the newer Superman body, actually I may pick up a spare MoS head to display on this highly anticipated JL Supes if I feel subpar with the new head sculpts; I like the more vibrant colors.
On a side note, I quite like the MoS sculpt on the newer Superman body, actually I may pick up a spare MoS head to display on this highly anticipated JL Supes if I feel subpar with the new head sculpts; I like the more vibrant colors.
In regards to the comparison between the promotion of the BVS head on JL to MOS head on BVS.
I think that there is a marketing promotion difference in that the preorder for the BVS version did not have a MOS head sculpt on it. While the JL version has a BVS head sculpt for potential preorder customers. Makes much more sense from a business POV to sell the BVS head on JL since that?s what the product advertises and it would be unlawful to sell otherwise.
Doesn't HT always feature a disclaimer on the preorder page that final product may appear different from what is shown?
I think I might and take one for the team by calling HT this Monday and trying to get a sense of things.
Wish me luck
Give me a shout if you do. I think I have some spare MOS sculpts in my sale thread.
I recon it would help if some of you out there sent an email to
[email protected]
Unity is strength.
It gets released when it’s ready.
Ten million emails will not alter that in the slightest.