I love the shotgun... the stock is awesome too...
I took pics of mine...I will post later !!!
Very cool, how'd you achieve a spotlight at this small a scale?
In my bag o tricks. It's an LED light above him in my cabinet.
Thanks man! Your photos are sick, so thanks for the compliment. Still futzing around though, need a tripod to get the blur
that's being caused from holding the camera with my macro setting on away.
Sorry in advance for the bad pics...
After getting my new camera this past weekend, and getting the Endo tonight, I figured i'd take a few pics of some HT stuff. More to come when I have more time.
ack..... battle damaged endo...... must resist..... need ......paypal money...... to pay for resin........
dammit lol
anyone have trouble with AVP Preds? i got a Chopper coming soon and im dreading it because the elder and the scar gave me so much ****
**** doesnt click in properly sometimes like the armor in attatching to the belt etc