HOT TOYS is possibly the greatest Figure company right now - at LEAST in the 1/6 arena.
A COUPLE things perplex me, though; Actually, it's primarily one: Their decisions on the ALIENS Warrior. I know for a fact that they've got employees who ADORE the film, and love the designs. I was anticipating the WARRIOR like MAD in 1/6 scale after seeing their 4" Snap Kit renditions; strangely, they look quite different - some details were changed for the better, and some were, as mentioned, warped (though still very Giger-esque, which I WILL give credit for);
But they don't seem to have taken this Artistic License to such dramatic effect on any other Alien figures so far, or any other line, for that matter.
So I've pretty much assumed that they wanted to somehow represent the variations in the costumes used in the film on the Figure. So: 12 suits, at least one or two rod puppets that were upper-torso, n' then the critters that were made just to be mauled down by gunfire. I'm curious as to the looks of those "dummys" that were designed to be anniolated - either way, I've been gathering pic. collections of props, and some of the details that they HAVE captured in this 16" critter are astounding - simply because no other company has gotten some of these details right.
Finally, I'm wondering if they're still considering the "Battle-damaged" variant (which I'm sure would be confirmed at Toyfare or SDCC); in which case they could make some sculpt changes as well, just to present something a bit different (they had many variations of AVP Predators, and certainly multiples of the AVP Alien, so we'll see...).
Granted, I bought multiples of the Warrior, all of which I have yet to open (display space at the moment) - and I'm DREADING the breakage, but there's not much I can do about that at this point. I can tell you that, unless it's from HOT TOYS themselves, we'll never get a more dynamic WARRIOR from ALIENS in figure form - posability, paint, sculpt, variants, creepiness - it's too good. ALL THAT being said, I'm hoping that we'll see more critters by HOT TOYS, and DEFINITELY a NEW TAKE on the WARRIOR... I think it would be welcome, even if you've got pissed off collectors - they've got a reason to add another XENOMORPH - and, as wise men have said, "You can never have too many ALIENS" - :maul :chew