Hot Toys Man Of Steel Teaser

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I do hope HT does a Zod figure and has a way to include both his armored and no armor look. I'd love it if they included the shackles that hold him prisoner. I think that would be a pretty cool pose for the non-armored figure.
I do hope HT does a Zod figure and has a way to include both his armored and no armor look. I'd love it if they included the shackles that hold him prisoner. I think that would be a pretty cool pose for the non-armored figure.

might be a SSC exclusive :lol
I do hope HT does a Zod figure and has a way to include both his armored and no armor look. I'd love it if they included the shackles that hold him prisoner. I think that would be a pretty cool pose for the non-armored figure.

yea I agree. I mean I think it's a strong possibility (if they make Zod) given that they gave Loki his handcuffs and mouthpiece thing
I was only joking when i mentioned Zod with diecast armour please don't give Hot toys ideas.
So what does HT do after Warner Brothers releases a trailer for Man of Steel, that has all the internet abuzz??

They announce more Iron Man stuff........
they arent going to preview Supes figures until closer to the film, not the trailer...

There is an Iron Man movie coming out very soon so naturally they are trying to sell product related to that instead of products related to movies a few months out...
they arent going to preview Supes figures until closer to the film, not the trailer...

There is an Iron Man movie coming out very soon so naturally they are trying to sell product related to that instead of products related to movies a few months out...

True, and i could buy that except for the fact they have the G.I.Joe Retaliation license. That film is out, and has done well enough that the studio has greenlit a sequel. We still haven't seen figures of the film's biggest star(The Rock) or of it' most iconic character(Cobra Commander). And they had a year delay to have everything ready for Joe. Yet, they have shown how many different color swaps for Tony's armor?

It's frustrating that so many other lines are getting the shaft.
True, and i could buy that except for the fact they have the G.I.Joe Retaliation license. That film is out, and has done well enough that the studio has greenlit a sequel. We still haven't seen figures of the film's biggest star(The Rock) or of it' most iconic character(Cobra Commander). And they had a year delay to have everything ready for Joe. Yet, they have shown how many different color swaps for Tony's armor?

It's frustrating that so many other lines are getting the shaft.

Wasn't there a reveal of The Rock's character when they revealed a bunch of other *coming soon* figures?
Now they can who a Zod figure considering that trailer has revealed a great bit remember the next movie the have a license for is Man of Steel so more then likely they have some things in the works and will begin bringing them out as soon as Iron Man comes out.

The did the same thing last year did a sneak peak of Bane in early Feb and then bombarded us with every Avenger figure the could make until closer to the movie debuted and it was nothing but The Dark Knight Rises stuff.

Iron Man is set to come out on May 3 in the US and even earlier overseas Man of Steel is out the following month on June 14.

The next movie they have a license for is Lone Ranger set to open July 3 and I am not sure if they have anything ready for that considering it was a late announcement
Some info on the figures would be ideal right now. They could tease it for weeks!
Wish they would release an announcement for their figure.

People had the same complaints about TDKR last year when Avengers came out and had a bunch of repeated announcements with silence on the TDKR front.

They'll release stuff about IM3 for now. MOS stuff probably won't be released until June ... around the time the movie comes out. IM3 also has the benefit of being a proven HT property ... with, apparently, a thousand different color combinations. MOS isn't as proven, and there are, right now, about three possible characters (that may expand once the movie is out, depending on the popularity of the first three).

I'm more than sure that after IM3 is released in theatres, end of April (HK) beginning of May (US) we'll see even more MoS merch. From what we've heard so far, stores aren't putting things out on the shelf for MoS until May which is smart. You don't want to have your stuff competing with Iron Man. Yes, we all love Superman, but I don't think anyone can deny that Iron Man is extremely popular across the board and sells well regardless of how you feel about the movies/character/products. I'm just as tired as everyone else with Iron Man being seen everywhere just as I'm tired of Batman being the poster boy for DC. It's time for Superman to be #1 again and that time is coming, just gotta be patient
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I'm more than sure that after IM3 is released in theatres, end of April (HK) beginning of May (US) we'll see even more MoS merch. From what we've heard so far, stores aren't putting things out on the shelf for MoS until May

It will hot up once product is on shelves.
My Brother got an advance set of the MoS figures for review and got an extra Superman figure which he put on Ebay. The auction ended today and the guy who bought it paid close to $100 for it.
He even paid the shipping costs, but was local and came and picked it up in person.
they arent going to preview Supes figures until closer to the film, not the trailer...

There is an Iron Man movie coming out very soon so naturally they are trying to sell product related to that instead of products related to movies a few months out...

They started Iron Man 3 figures a few months out from the movies release :monkey3
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