That would be ideal. This is one line for sure that I will buy every variant, and most every character (not into getting say a Drebin figure). But any main character is a sure thing with me.
Every release is getting bought by me. So glad Medicom **** is behind us PHEW!!
It's funny though, I remember seeing that first image of the Medicom Snake figure and having a nerdgasm. I had never bought a Medicom figure at that point, or anything from Asia, so I was so worried I'd miss out for some reason.
Now it's so silly looking compared to modern HT releases LOL. I'm actually glad in a way that HT put them off so long as we'll get MGS up to HTs current abilities.
I got the Raiden one a few years back with plans on improving it like what I'm doing with Old Snake, but it's definitely a lot more complicated considering the "undersuit" isn't mesh fabric but an organic skin type suit. I want to maintain that detail rather than just attach the armor plates on a grey fabric suit.
Batman/Avenger guys are quite smug in knowing they'll get more and more figures, even of side characters appearing in one film and who isn't a main character.
The vast majority of licenses has absolutely zero assurances of more figures or even news concerning the license.
It's a damn shame, especially concerning a 25 year spanning license like MGS which has accumilated fans over the years.
MGS3 is the height of Big Boss's coolness and has been tumbling down the mountain ever since...
i want a Genome soldier 2 pack
Id love some early MGS 1 white genome soldiers. To be fair they wouldnt be hard to make. Black boots, white pants and jacket (with hood and mask), basic black body harness and gloves with a machine gun. Very generic stuff. So it should be easy for HT to pump out 2x ttm18 bodies, with simplistic clothing and heads with gas masks sculpted on. Its not like they need anything other than a machine gun each or a grenadeHeliport/ Tank Hangar artic soliders and Nuclear Warhead Storage Building NBC troops would look AWESOME.