Super Freak
The hands are to big for the figure. But damn i love the police outfit!!
This is one of the most amazing collectibles I've ever seen.
Likeness is a tad off in head on shots but when his head is tilted down a bit (like it actually was quite often in the movie) it looks pretty darn close.
This shot reminds me of his expression when ramming that giant girder into Arnold's head over and over.
Hot Toys, please stop having so much white below iris.
Eyes do not do that unless they are looking up.
They make this same small mistake every time. Eyes simply do look like that when looking straight on.
So the metal arms just slide on over the shirt looks like.
Didn't go through all the posts yet...
But has anyone pointed out the major flaw?
The T-1000 is left handed...this figure is a fail based on that me.
I wonder how the bullet damage pieces will attach to the torso?, maybe magnets again or they pin in?.
from first page:
- Three (3) small-size, two (2) medium-size and two (2) large-size (each made of two (2) medium-size) detachable magnetic bullet hits
It's beautiful to see all the freaks together! This figure is worthy of that.
It will be the perfect companion for the T-800. This is shaping up to be the best line Hot Toys have ever done? Certainly on par with the batman line so far, especially considering its recent drawbacks.
A great headsculpt with a pretty flawless expression - perfect
Every look you could think of for the character - available in one package - perfect
Tonnes of accessories - Perfect
Standard true type body, no limited articulation - perfect
Other than that it's crap.