This is an amazingly inclusive set, going to order 2 of these to have cop and biker version, actually, maybe even 3, cop, biker, and the hybrid of the two for the donut head, that'll depend on if I can get Sarah T-1000, if I do, definitely all 3.
My only issue is, they've wrapped up T-1000 in a single figure set, but instead of doing his fully split head, they do the healing version, which still looks cool, but would be nice to have a figure with it fully apart.
So now the question is, are they going to do like Sarah T-1000. If they're fan enough of T2 like they seem to be showing, maybe they will offer a fully split head, could it possibly be a young John Connor accessory like Sarah to add to what he'd come with, as the T-800 could come with a few heads himself, unless they release 2 more T-800s instead of 1.
Another highlight, the pointy, naughty naughty, hand, it's a small thing, but really shows love for the movie going into this line. Also means that a thumbs up hand for T-800 is just about certain now.