Insufferable S.O.B.
HT has left and right gun holding hands. And the T1000 used both hands in film.
" I only have one rule: ONE CHARACTER. ONE FIGURE. NO DOUBLES. "
"Well THATS the rule you're gonna have to break !"
Radio and flashlight = complex machines, have moving parts.
I thought there was a scene where the T-1000 is listening in on his handheld radio about the break in at Cyberdyne?,maybe he does not have this radio or flashlight equipped during the scene in Pescadero when he passes through the bars.
If it's plotholes you're looking for then the biggest in T2 would be that the T-1000 is even capable of time-travel since we are told by Reese in the first film that "nothing dead wiil go." Hence Reese showing up with no future weapons and the T-800 surrounded by living tissue.
the 6" figure by neca has just come out. it's only 6" but the face on that little $10 plastic toy is so much closer to the real robert patrick than this. that's how great windrix is and how lame whoever sculpted this is. cant be yulli, must be someone new to the game.