sell the sarah figure then to take some of the sting off YOU buying the whole kit and kaboodle just for the damn doughnut head that should have come with this figure in the first place! i personally had zero interest in the sarah 1000 until i saw this, and i still have zero interest in that figure, oh but i DO...want that head! lol
It does seem a shame to have all them accessories and not use them, i just never like to have more than 1 character figure in my display, hmmmmm will have to think about this one
I think i may just go for standard with bullett holes![]()
If you really think about it, the flashlight and radio he carried should have got caught in the door he passes through, assuming he had them on him at the time.
This is an amazing figure, i will be buying one, not three lol!.
True, and that is my general...and only rule, but I knew I would have to break that rule when it came to a T2 line.
May be able to cut it down to just biker cop and standard. They will not be displayed together either. Standard will go in my DETOLF with T800 and the Biker Cop will go on a separate shelf with BD T800.
Ordinarily I just change the poses and display now and again, but these are too nice to not have out permanently.
I thought everything on him was liquid metal apart from the handgun?
Radio and flashlight = complex machines, have moving parts.
I thought there was a scene where the T-1000 is listening in on his handheld radio about the break in at Cyberdyne?,maybe he does not have this radio or flashlight equipped during the scene in Pescadero when he passes through the bars.
John Connor: I need a minute here. You're telling me that this thing can imitate anything it touches?
The Terminator: Anything it samples by physical contact.
John Connor: Get real, like it could disguise itself as a pack of cigarettes?
The Terminator: No, only an object of equal size.
John Connor: Why doesnt it become a bomb or something to get me?
The Terminator: It cant form complex machines, guns and explosives have chemicals, moving parts, it doesn't work that way, but it can form solid metal shapes.
John Connor: Like what?
The Terminator: Knives and stabbing weapons.
But then again, most MMS sell out...especially ones with likeness.I could actually see them making John now and having a split head t1000 or god forbid a final fully damaged t800 head. That would guarantee a complete sell out for connor.
best looking collectible of the T-1000 on the market.
I will have this figure the first day is in stock on ebay.
I cant wait to review it.
WOW ! looks so amazing.
True, and that is my general...and only rule, but I knew I would have to break that rule when it came to a T2 line.
May be able to cut it down to just biker cop and standard. They will not be displayed together either. Standard will go in my DETOLF with T800 and the Biker Cop will go on a separate shelf with BD T800.
Ordinarily I just change the poses and display now and again, but these are too nice to not have out permanently.
I'm glad hot toys did the helmet as a separate piece and not sculpt it to a second head like some people looks great and they done it the right way!