Its cool, I already have one anyway
congrats on an awesome haul! And welcome to the boards!
I'll give you 250 for it bro
Got anymore? I'll pay your expenses/trouble.
A month later "hey guys, I sent this newb $250 for a Wolverine and haven't recieved it yet."
Thanks for the warm welcome guys, I don't think I'm ready to sell anything yet haha. I was shocked when I saw it in there and with a discount.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys, I don't think I'm ready to sell anything yet haha. I was shocked when I saw it in there and with a discount.
Seriously. I sold off all my 3 3/4" marvel universe figures to buy Blade and Mark IV. I swore I'd stop way back when I completed the HT POTC figures. Then this year I was just going to dabble with War Machine. Haha I've since bough Black Widow, Whiplash, Mark IV, Blade, and Pre-ordered the two Tron figs. There's no end in sight unfortunately. I'm trying not to cave on wolverine because I'm almost 100% sure I'll prefer Aronofsky's take.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys, I don't think I'm ready to sell anything yet haha. I was shocked when I saw it in there and with a discount.
I just picked up one of these an hour ago at my local comic book store. He was on sale for $120ish, I couldn't resist that kind of price.
Just an awesome figure! Definitely one of the best.
That Black Widow looks different, altered? any more pics?
I just picked up one of these an hour ago at my local comic book store. He was on sale for $120ish, I couldn't resist that kind of price.