I recently purchased what was billed as the Hot Toys MMS 103 X-Men Origins Wolverine from ebay seller everyday991371; it arrived today, and unfortunately, it appears to be the bootleg that has been making the rounds for the last couple of years. I used PayPal, so I've already opened a case, and I know I'll get my money back, but its disappointing to say the least. The figure looks pretty close, but there were a few "tells" that indicate its a fake:
-stand logo was solid white, whereas the real deal has a gradient color scheme with gray, white, and silver, IIRC
-stand nameplate pops off, where the authentic Hot Toys one is glued down
-wife beater undershirt is too short
-body instruction sheet looks photocopied, and is vacuum-sealed in flimsy plastic (every Hot Toys instruction sheet I've ever seen is in a plastic bag that is taped shut)
-face is overly tan and the beard/mutton chops poorly painted
-side photo seems grainy
-"shipper" box was tape-sealed along the long ends with no contents description (every single figure Hot Toys shipper I've seen is taped along the short ends)
-product box lid is very dark, the Hot Toys logos in the bottom corners are barely visible
-jeans fit poorly and seem too dark in person (they photograph lighter)
I took some photos, sorry for the crappy quality:
<a href="https://s321.photobucket.com/user/frehleyfanatic/media/DSCF3576_zps6a9b54c6.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="https://i321.photobucket.com/albums/nn393/frehleyfanatic/DSCF3576_zps6a9b54c6.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo DSCF3576_zps6a9b54c6.jpg"/></a>
So, thoughts ? Definitely a bootleg? As I say, I'm protected thanks to PayPal, wish I'd just waited for one to pop up in the sales thread here.