Hot Toys - MMS 106 - Alien - BIG CHAP collectible figure

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One thing that dissappointed me on the NECA, the skull under the dome looks like most of the detail is painted lines, almost looking like a sharpie, not sculpted.
One thing that dissappointed me on the NECA, the skull under the dome looks like most of the detail is painted lines, almost looking like a sharpie, not sculpted.

Yes it does look like crap and the way to go is to sculpt them in. Even though the real one was painted on and not sculpted Giger did the painting on it. China never would get that one right. Really our figure is missing some grey and tan highlight paint hits that would make it look really great.
That would be great and this stuff sells so well that we might do something like that. I would like to sculpt in the details under the Alien's dome because China made a wreck out of that. All the figures that went the route that we did I think went the wrong way. They all look crappy and it would be better to sculpt it in. I would like very much to do that and tweak a few things. Most of the tweaks would be really small but I just want the figure to look perfect. As a fun I was hoping this HT figure would be accurate but it's about what I thought it would be. An accurate Alien I would buy in a heartbeat but another artist take makes me think well maybe not.

Yeah, you need to let your boss know that this is an untapped market.

There's money out here just WAITING for an accurate 1:6 scale version of these creatures.

Try more, HotToys! You must!!!

Really interesting pics, but are we sure we're comparing like with like? Don't forget that there were several versions of the Alien head made for the film, the stunt head in particular being quite different.
Alright guys, here is my attempt to make it look more like the movie prop.
Before and After

Is there anything I can try to improve on to make it better?

Amazing work. Specially the rounded clear dome and the mouth.

Hope Hot Toys made the changes. Is outstanding and amazing. :banana
Yeah wow, great work...I wonder if those teeth are a hindrance to the jaws coming out? I mean how much can they force the rubber jaw open without risking it tearing? Oh well, I think what they have already is a good balance to keep the jaw function working but I agree it could be better. The color as is however is fine. Under similar lighting conditions that's pretty close to how the real suit looked, it's just that we never see it lit that way in the film.
Kyle, you have to get your bosses to understand that if NECA makes 1/6 versions of the aliens they will sell like crazy!

As for the different versions of the head and suit, it is true that there were differences from one to the next, but that's were the careful studying of all the available photos comes in. The above reference is the stunt head, and you can see how the whole cheek and tendons part is simplified. Also, it looks kinda thin because of the lack of the neck.
All in all, I wouldn't really use that one as reference for the head or face/lips...
Is that really the stunt head? It looks different to me, or at least those photos of the stunt suit from that auction a few years back look different to that shot above.

What were the main heads used again? A "Hero" head with all Rambaldi's working parts, the "large" head used when Bolaji was in the suit, and the stunt head? Are there any comparison shots from similar perspectives?

The Hot Toys head doesn't really look like any of them, but the dome seems to be the shorter stunt version to me.
I'm not sure, but I think there were 3 Rambaldi heads with different levels of mechanics.
As for the stunt heads, I don't know, my guess is that there were many different casts made. I doubt the head used by the stunt man was a different size from the one used by Bolaji though.
I would kill for a Windrix sculpted Runner Alien from Alien 3. His Arnold sculpts for T2 and Conan are superior to HT's Dutch.
please don't blame China factory all the time ……
McF spawn QC was a lot better than NECA stuff ,that's true.and they also made in China.
so,NECA should change a toy factory or change the way of QC.
I love NECA figures,and I hope you guys can do better and better.:D
please don't blame China factory all the time ……
McF spawn QC was a lot better than NECA stuff ,that's true.and they also made in China.
so,NECA should change a toy factory or change the way of QC.
I love NECA figures,and I hope you guys can do better and better.:D

I hate to tell you this bud but we use the same factories McFarlane use. Some of there stuff has been a wreck. HT has been through it too. Fans have no idea what the companies like NECA, McFarlane, HT and all the rest go through. It's always a battle and I remember figures I did at McFarlane coming out so bad. Do you own the first Alien VS Predator set? The paint on that was a freaking nightmare. McFarlane stuff is made by the same people that make our stuff. Sometimes it's good and other times it not so good. For example our AVP Alien is just fine most of the times. Our Alien and Aliens figures have way more production problems than the AVP Alien. Why? You tell me.
I would kill for a Windrix sculpted Runner Alien from Alien 3. His Arnold sculpts for T2 and Conan are superior to HT's Dutch.

Thanks a lot man and I do hope we do an Alien 3 Alien. I think we will beat the HT and McFarlane figures really easy. Randy and I don't like Alien 3 the movie at all but the monster would make a neat figure and we know it would sell really well. I hope we do it and the boss man has to give the OK. Right now Twilight is what it's all about. Money money money and even more money. We know we should be making the Queen, alien 3 and the first Predator. Believe me it would be a dream come true and maybe it will happen. Maybe getting to sculpt the Alien 3 figure would make me like that movie some. It really is a nice Alien and we should make it no doubt.
now I know the truth.
from now on ,trust no one ……
thank you tankman!
I'm saving my money to get T2 12" BD version .
Hope it turns out well
Kyle, if you get to make the rest of the aliens and preds I'll be in figure heaven!
I would seriously buy them all in all the scales.
In multiples.