I really wanted to like this figure.
As a general Alien figure, it looks nice...I'm sure the average moviegoer would be impressed. The detail and sculpt look great, and I bet the paint looks awesome in person - BUT - (I have HT Kane) ALIEN is my favorite movie of all time, and frankly.. I want a figure that looks like what we saw on the screen. To me, the Medicom is a closer fit to the movie look...but it's smaller scale stops me from buying.
I love the Kane figure, and desperately want a properly scaled Giger alien to go with it, but I'm stuck in limbo...Medicom = too small. Hot Toys = NOT the Giger design.
Sigh...so yeah, not trying to say you guys shouldn't enjoy it, but I'm going to have to hope that the new Ridley Scott film gives me another chance to own the Alien that I want.
One other thing, I have the giant NECA Alien, and it's really really accurate, and has nice sculpted detail..but lacks a certain level of quality in the materials used, paint apps, articulation and general fit/finish. For the price though, the NECA is the best alien toy you can buy (for the GIGER look).
I'm going to spend the money I had ear marked for this toy on the new (beautiful) T-800 preorder... no disappointments there!!
Oh yeah, and Hi to a few of the Alien fans I remember from the last time I posted here (months ago when the medicom release was still a preorder) -- abake, CelticP and Sabres21768... you guys are awesome for always demanding accuracy. you're not alone.