Here on the Perimeter
Wow, more great Giger-esque shots. Thanks, Frank.
Damn, we got some good shooters here.
Damn, we got some good shooters here.
Congrats robbie! PJam i'll definitely snap some shots of that...
about the backdrop anyone else's warped a little? my godfather warped too.
The boxes of HT often warps too... it must be the cardbord they use
thank you. Think I'll wait till these go down to 50% of retail. Not wanting to spend $100 on one. I can't believe gohastings is trying to sell for $135. Maybe they screwed up the pic and are actually selling the more realistic big chap for that price.
yeah i saw that too, it's weird the price and description of the item is for the 12 inch figure but they show the picture of the little VCD, so I think they have the pic wrong. may wanna email em and ask em.
The gh 12 Inch Fig IS the 1/6, have to go by price 135, description and weight 80 oz. So the pic is wrong but item description correct. That's the one I ordered. They vinyl Fig is 8 inches I believe.