Hot Toys - MMS 106 - Alien - BIG CHAP collectible figure

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Wow if YOU actually like the figure then we all know it's not too bad. You really are an Alien fanatic.


Yeah, true enough.
When I first saw it I was massively disappointed, but that has been the case with all HT aliens with the exception of the AvP and AvP-R aliens, which aren't so bad accuracy-wise.
But in the end I've come to terms with the sad fact that HT doesn't really care about accuracy with the aliens, so I enjoy them for what they are. Doesn't mean I won't give them hell for it every once in a while though... :mad:

Who knows, maybe a few years down the road HT will actually invest time and resources into actually researching and doing accurate figures. Or they'll just hire Tankman to sculpt them! :)

Who knows, maybe a few years down the road HT will actually invest time and resources into actually researching and doing accurate figures. Or they'll just hire Tankman to sculpt them! :)

Maybe all the people that have ever created an ALIEN figure or statue will do the same thing.

There isn't an accurate figure or statue on the market to date.

Hot Toys did a fantastic job! :clap

Anyway, the more ALIEN the better, I say. :clap
Sigh... this thread is like a broken record. At least we've all seem to come into an agreement. More and more people are getting into Big Chap. Guess all it took was an insanely good deal at GoHastings :D.

I will say this, though. There is a SMALL patch about 1 square cm in size on my figure's right inner thigh that has paint peel. Or rather, it's a loose patch of paint that has air trapped inside. Dunno if it came like that, but I found that if you press it against the figure, it pushes the air out and the loose rubbery paint will stick tighter to the body, making it harder to notice. Overall, my Alien's doing fine. There are some very small areas where he's experiencing peel, but it's very hard to see.

Surprisingly enough, my Dog Alien is still perfectly fine when it comes to paint and rubber condition. Maybe because it's a different material? Certainly softer, and he gives off a much stronger smell, even after spending a week in my garage. I guess it's an easier material for the paint to adhere to, considering the Big Chap seems to be made of a less stretchable rubber.
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So it seems the general opinion of this figure is pretty negative (at least form the posts I've read). Being only a casual Alien/s fan and not noticing all the innacuracies some have said this figure has, do you think this figure is worth getting if you're a casual fan? I haven't read all the posts so this may have been covered but have there been any problems with the rubber rotting or anything?

Still negative here. I will never buy this figure. I wouldn't call myself either a hardcore fan or a casual fan, I'm somewhere in between and this figure just doesn't do it for me. The body is fine but the face just ruins it. It doesn't look accurate, doesn't look scary, doesn't look fact I think it looks stupid for want of a better word. It can be improved with certain mods but I couldn't be ar$ed.
What happened to the 10 or so guys who just got the GoHastings ALIEN? Where's the pics? Where's the mods?

Ive posted mine. Im still working on the teeth replacement but I had carpel tunnel surgery and so Im out of the game for another month.
Here is what I did before the teeth.
Still negative here. I will never buy this figure. I wouldn't call myself either a hardcore fan or a casual fan, I'm somewhere in between and this figure just doesn't do it for me. The body is fine but the face just ruins it. It doesn't look accurate, doesn't look scary, doesn't look fact I think it looks stupid for want of a better word. It can be improved with certain mods but I couldn't be ar$ed.

Really? No surprises there, you've said the same thing from the beginning... I don't agree with any of that at all, though. I'm just glad we got such an awesome figure, better than nothing at all.

I'm sick of everything looking basically the same. I have heaps of stuff that all looks basically the same. Hot Toys gave us something that is different and I'm glad they did.

Why can't the ALIEN have a different expression other than the standard mouth closed static look you see all too often. :dunno
@robbiethepainter: Yeah, that looks really cool.
Could you explain how you went about it? It looks like you repositioned the entire dome and pulled back the upper lip...
Ive posted mine. Im still working on the teeth replacement but I had carpel tunnel surgery and so Im out of the game for another month.
Here is what I did before the teeth.

I was building vinyl model kits (mostly Horizon) back in the 90's and carpel tunnel (and the surgery) put an end to that hobby for me. I still have the kits, dozens of un-built kits, and my trophies from shows in storage, it makes me sad to look at how good I was and how crappy some of my small attempts are now. :monkey2
Why can't the ALIEN have a different expression other than the standard mouth closed static look you see all too often. :dunno

I don't feel that they gave it an 'expression' :dunno Its mouth is semi-open by default because of the jaw mechanism, no 'expression' is intended there.

The thing about other portrayals where the mouth is sealed shut or alternatively is wide open with tongue ready to attack is that those capture memorable, distinctive looks of the Alien. The HT figure doesn't capture anything in particular to my eyes and the sculpt is simply innaccurate so it can't be redeemed that way either.

However, by all means continue to enjoy your figure, thats just how I see it.
I'm sick of everything looking basically the same. I have heaps of stuff that all looks basically the same. Hot Toys gave us something that is different and I'm glad they did.

That's fair enough. If Hot Toys had said "Guys, here's OUR take on the Alien" then I'd have said it was a cool rendition. Which it is, I guess. But they tried to make out it was an uber-accurate representation of Giger's original design, and it's simply not.

I've seen a hundred and one photos of the thing now, and I've seen it in person. I still don't like it. Gluing the mouth shut doesn't save it either. Robbie the Painter is the only person who's modded it enough to make it look like something I'd actually buy.

As for trying something different, here's a different idea for a toy company - make something that actually looks like the source!
@robbiethepainter: Yeah, that looks really cool.
Could you explain how you went about it? It looks like you repositioned the entire dome and pulled back the upper lip...

1) I repositioned the skull on the inside
2) smashed the dome farther down over the whole thing. I thought the height of the head was to tall.
3) filled the seam on the back part of the head. Didn't like it.
4) pulled the upper lip into the dome.
5) pulled the rubber up over the dome at the chamfer line and glued it.
6) repainted the whole dome. Mine you could see the skull pretty clearly and I didnt like it.
7) added clear medium to the whole mouth and tendon area with a touch of color

I hate showing process shots but here is mine right now. Im still working on the teeth, but you can see the difference between the stock teeth, lower bottom and the replacements that Im adding in. Each tooth is carved aluminum tubing or rod that is polished, drilled and glued into place. I still have a long way to go but here it is as it stands now.

I was building vinyl model kits (mostly Horizon) back in the 90's and carpel tunnel (and the surgery) put an end to that hobby for me. I still have the kits, dozens of un-built kits, and my trophies from shows in storage, it makes me sad to look at how good I was and how crappy some of my small attempts are now. :monkey2

what was the result of the surgery? Im two weeks out from it and all I have are some sore palms. Ill be rolling again in about another three weeks.
Good lord, that's a lot of modding. And gluing all those tiny areas along the dome... you'd need a steady hand and a prayer that nothing gets smeared or glued.