Hot Toys -MMS 115 -WATCHMEN - The Comedian- Spec and pics

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The figure looks great, but really dont like the headsculpt to much. The way it looks just looks odd. I might buy it might not, think for me it really depends on the time frame that it is released. Comedian is my favorite from the movie, and comic (though I have yet to finish it).
The only figure in the line to warrant another 2nd variation is prolly nite owl 2, with the snow outfit and additional mask. But then again, I don't think a lot of people are pumped to get 2 variations of nite owl.

The more I think bout it, the more annoyed I am with the lack of smileys on his chest and guns :(

Definitely gonna have to disagree there. The Comedian had two different actual costumes in his career, not just a variant. He also aged enough to easily justify another head, if not a whole other figure, which could also feature a masked head and unmasked. (they I highly doubt it'll happen).
No watchmen interest, havn't even seen the movie, but alike minded people to myself have expressed their unimpressed nature, so i havn't bothered.....yet :p

read the book. skip the film.

the book is bible in comicdom. the film is just another film.
Thing we have to face up to is that at the end of the day the movie didn't perform as well as was hoped, and the other funny thing is that as 'popular' as the Watcmen is in the US and Europe it's something of a non-entity in HK and Asia (I'm not saying it's without its fans there) but the movie was pretty well panned over there (even more so than over here), so I'm gonna take a guess here that these will be made in numbers to fill preorders, but not a lot more, so a second Comedian will depend on how quick this sells out... if it sells out!

well there are a minority of geeks in asia like myself who know and embrace watchmen. but this franchise is definitely catering to a very niche market in general.

The seller is in Malaysia? Has anyone bought from them? Will Sideshow eventually sell it?

yep, xl shop is a retailer in malaysia, where i live. i buy lotsa stuff from them. they get their stuff pretty fast because they have connections with the hot toys/toy hunter folks in hong kong...

not gonna get into this line, but the comedian is simply fantastic work! much better than the silk spectre. the headsculpt is great, but what really amazes me is the paint app. the skin texture and stubble looks scarily real!

btw, imo the graphic novel is over-rated. the film is under-rated. i'm not saying alan moore's book isn't brilliant. it is. but it has been over-glorified to the point where it's reach some sort of mythical status. i find that a bit ridiculous. my issue with the book is that it tends to meander aimlessly at some points. and i'm GLAD zack synder changed the "squid" ending. i always found it kinda lame.

just my 2 cents.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

theres gotta be something different on this one then the one at SDCC. to my eyes it just looks better.
I have to agree with most here that something is definitely up with the Comedian not being complete like most HT figures. Everything seems to point to a future DX figure or re-release, maybe we'll see the younger sculpt with a flame thrower and sniper rifle with his jester Minute Men costume? That could also facilitate a 3rd maskless sculpt (maybe a bloody, freshly slashed Nam era one). It makes sense, considering bank robber Joker existed to basically correct the original sculpt and give the non-bank scene assault weapon as well.

It just seems odd that HT wouldn't allow the ability to re-create the iconic "groupshot" Watchmen photo which depicted a shorter haired Blake (assuming they get to the whole group anyway). At any rate, the figure's still a must-buy for me, and as someone mentioned earlier, it IS refreshing to see an expression on the head with some character-specific life in it while still keeping a fantastic sculpt. Not everything has to be sullen straight face.

Anywho, here's hoping for Rorschach next, and hopefully they'll find a way to make him slightly shorter than the average 1/6th figure.
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read the book. skip the film.

the book is bible in comicdom. the film is just another film.

I agree with you on the first point, but for me the directors cut of this movie is amazing.
I believe the film is already becoming cult classic that could be as revered as movies like Blade Runner in the future
I agree with you on the first point, but for me the directors cut of this movie is amazing.
I believe the film is already becoming cult classic that could be as revered as movies like Blade Runner in the future

There is a certain snobbery about not seeing the movie by classic fans, maybe following Moore's personal feelings? I dunno, but either way if you're a fan of Watchmen in any way shape or form you HAVE to see the movie, if for no other reason than to experience Rorschach, Manhattan and the Comedian who were pulled straight from the pages. Sort of like if Dark Knight was an awful movie, Legder would still be worth seeing it. Luckily Watchmen's not an awful movie either, just narratively inferior to the comic.
I find it funny that fans were horrified at the prospect of HT only doing a couple of characters before killing the line, and now they're paranoid about a V2 of a secondary character coming out. Either way, if an unlikey V2 is in the cards, it wouldn't be announced until well after a Rorschach and Nite Owl, when we get them.

That being said, this Comedian is more than perfect for that particular era of the character, and is a must buy for me. If they only make Rorschach and Ozymandias next, my personal Watchmen collection will be complete.
I just can't see them not doing Rorschach. If we only get one more figure, it will be of him. Nite Owl, Manhattan and Ozy are up in the air though. They would finish the set of course, but I don't know if we'll get that far since it has taken a great many months just bewteen the line being announced and then from Silk Spectere to the Comedian.
I just can't see them not doing Rorschach. If we only get one more figure, it will be of him. Nite Owl, Manhattan and Ozy are up in the air though. They would finish the set of course, but I don't know if we'll get that far since it has taken a great many months just bewteen the line being announced and then from Silk Spectere to the Comedian.

To tell you the truth, I really think the unexpected success of the Dark Knight figures just really put everything else on hold to get the DX work done and maximize the potential of that line. Its entirely possible they were/are deliberately spacing the figures due to the likelihood that the people who buy DK and Watchmen figs are the same people, and they're maximizing sales potential. I don't think its that Watchmen's not a viable license, as they have much more unpopular brands (hell, even Spirit has 3 figs, maybe more on the way). I really, truly believe the Watchmen set of six will be finished. Double-dips, who knows.
I actually think the Spirit is why the Watchmen figures have been so sparse. After Dark Knight did so well, I think Hot Toys expected the Spirit to do well. But the movie bombed and nobody wanted the figures. They planned 4, but only 3 saw production. And I don't think it was a good thing for Hot Toys. So I think because they got burned on that, they are slowly testing the waters for Watchmen.
There is a certain snobbery about not seeing the movie by classic fans, maybe following Moore's personal feelings? I dunno, but either way if you're a fan of Watchmen in any way shape or form you HAVE to see the movie, if for no other reason than to experience Rorschach, Manhattan and the Comedian who were pulled straight from the pages. Sort of like if Dark Knight was an awful movie, Legder would still be worth seeing it. Luckily Watchmen's not an awful movie either, just narratively inferior to the comic.

no snobbery from me. i did watch the film, only to find out that moore is, once again, correct. i absolutely positively loath the film.

went at length about why i hate it. dont feel like repeating it again here.
they are slowly testing the waters for Watchmen.
If so, very strange not to start with Rorschach, since that would be the best sure-fire seller. Starting with Spectre and Comedian suggests to me that they initially were planning on drawing the line out for a while before giving fans the heavy hitters (Rorschach, Manhattan and Nite Owl, in my opinion), but I don't know how they could have anticipated people being really excited with the figures coming out so long after the release of the movie.

If they are testing the waters, then I don't see any more being released, because I don't see either of these figures selling particularly well.
I think the Comedian will sell well. Not as well as Rorschach of course, but I think he would be #2 though. I know if I could only pick two figures out of this line it would have been Ror and the Comedian. But again, I really can't see them not making Rorschach. His announcement alone would increase sells of SS and the Comedian.