Hot Toys -MMS 115 -WATCHMEN - The Comedian- Spec and pics

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Opened mine up and futzed him up reeeeeeal good today, and you guys are right, he is so nice! Makes me want Rorschach and Nite Owl all the more.
Comedian Meets Joker

Anthor one made with my friend... He also painted my smiles on my Comedian for me... :)


The message I have entered is not too short, it was exactly the right length to get my point across while retaining its desired amount of sarcasm. Now its ruined. Tsk.
Truly amazing figure in-hand...


I should be drinking
a toast to absent
friends instead of
these comedians.

– Elvis Costello
Do nt know if anybody from Hot Toys will read this but if I thought there was the remotest chance of you finishing the Watchmen line-up I would buy this and Silk Specter without hesitation.But sadly as things stand it s a fantastic looking figure but destined to be forever incomplete.
Hot Toys will NEVER finish this line, and sadly I think they have already abandoned it. Such a shame not to make Rorschach or even Night Owl II.

Rorschach alone would have been a home run for HT.
I dont want to cause a scare here but... My Comedian has blue paint rubbing off form his shoulder pad... It sticks out like a sore thumb on his shoulder to looks like he has paint smeared on it...
I dont post much here anymore,but I recieved this figure 2 weeks ago and I must say it really is amazing in hand.
Hot Toys will NEVER finish this line, and sadly I think they have already abandoned it. Such a shame not to make Rorschach or even Night Owl II.

Rorschach alone would have been a home run for HT.

Which is a crying shame, its the only thing that keeps me from
even purchasing Comedian. As I definitely would have bought
him if HT was going to tackle Rorschach, Ozymandias and Nite Owl
to form a more complete and cohesive line.

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