Agreed. Now if he were from the first film. . .C'mon guys, this figure's not worth going at each other about.
Agreed. Now if he were from the first film. . .C'mon guys, this figure's not worth going at each other about.
Unfortunately, HT has said they have no desire to touch T3, so we'll likely never get that.
there is a sigh on the box: "Terminator 2: The Judgment Day. Arnold S. as T-800". I'm opening the box and seeing the T-800, but not Arnold.
That's the only thing that I'm trying to say here. HT COULD make this figure near to perfect (as they did with Batman DX, Marcus, don Vito, etc.), but they did not. My opinion can never-ever cause anybody not to buy this figure if they wont to, and you probably will agree with that.
And forums are place for all people to say free their opinions in public if it's not offend nobody, don't you think that that?
Well, I'm done with that.
Hope that HT will do more Arnold's in the future and they will be batter than this one. I'm waiting T2 or T3 BD version so much!
Nitpicking is such a waste of energy imo .............. jeez people BE HAPPY!
Never know. Once they have pumped out T2 and T1 they may move on to T3 for more $$$. I'd buy a T-850 and D-X.
I suppose anything's possible, I just can't remember any time they've ever openly expressed disinterest in something.
C'mon guys, this figure's not worth going at each other about.
Toys Daily Photo
AHAHAHHAAAAAA!!! XD GUYS, YOU'RE BURNING THIS THREAD LIKE HELL!!! LOL Story of a sad terminator and hug-photo with Connor is the best! XD
But still I thinking that this figure gets about 6\7 points of 10 from me. Why? Coz it's not Arnold from T2. Yes, it is the Terminator, but not from T2. The body proportions are wrong, the jacket on him looks clumsy and his size makes me thinking about Sideshow Vader. The cloths is not fit to all other bodies, it's too big, so almost no custom-work hope left. And the head neck-cut made so **** bad! This head doesn't match to no other bodies including Dutch's, it's nooks very bad, with terrible slot from both sides.
Saying all this I should admit that the detailed elaboration level of this figure is really increasable and it made very-very well! And all the accessories (exapt crappy roses and belt without tong) are great done too!
So the main thing is that Hot Toys with all their talent and their manufactures REALLY could make the perfect T-2 Arnold. Instead they've made this abstract image of T800. It's quite disappointing for me and my indignation forces me to take my final grade down.
God I love this figure and I love to customize figures as well.
This is 100% spot on and I will leave as is.... HOLY SMOKES, SO MUCH MUSCLE, SO MUCH WIN!
The best Arnold up to date in the 1/6 form. I'm getting on this one sons!
Great job Hot Toys, keep up the good work, da best!!!!
I really hope HT makes a Conan figure now.
AHAHAHHAAAAAA!!! XD GUYS, YOU'RE BURNING THIS THREAD LIKE HELL!!! LOL Story of a sad terminator and hug-photo with Connor is the best! XD
This head doesn't match to no other bodies including Dutch's, it's nooks very bad, with terrible slot from both sides.
I think, no. The T-800 body is bigger than Dutch's and even neck is bigger. Check this out.Question, can the T800 body be used with other figures/characters? i.e. Can it be easily transferred to Dutch? I've been thinking of getting a spare T800 body for Dutch and my Resident Evil 5 Chris Redfield figures because the new Arnie body has waist and mid-section articulation.