Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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when you bend the right forearm to hold the shotgun, does that cause stress on the jacket that will end up causing it to crack in the future since that area is now kind of scrunched up?

This is the box


And during modifications, painting, retouch...



How did you get the second exhaust pipe? The box shows only one pipe under the cargo bin??? Was it a mod or does the kit come with spare parts for the different versions? Also, do you have a pic from the side? I'd like to see how big Arnold looks while in a riding pose. Thanx
when you bend the right forearm to hold the shotgun, does that cause stress on the jacket that will end up causing it to crack in the future since that area is now kind of scrunched up?

I think it will just leave crease marks.
These sunglasses haven't been staining anyone's sculpts have they?

I only had the sunglasses on my Arnie for a short while. When I removed the glasses I noticed a mark above each ear where the frame was touching the skin. I cleaned off the mark and packed away my figure. I made a mental note to give the glasses a wipe with a mild solvent to remove any more residue next time before fitting them.
does anyone have an update on the pre-order 2nd wave? is this even happening? anyone on SideShow wait list get converted yet?
I have 3 figures with sunglasses now none have stains to report... Blade, Midnight Wesker, and T-800 all the people getting stains most store in weird conditions or have bad luck...
when waitlist gets converted, are you getting new figures or ones that have been returned because of defects and then refurbished?
could this be the so called second wave? We are starting to see waitlist conversions and new stock from LCS... it's kind of a silent re-stock or something..
LCS= local Comic Store

It's not a website.

It's whatever brick and motar comic book shop you shop at.
Yes waitlist items are brand new and they do this at side show collectibles . Wait list items get converted when credit cards get declined on other orders or they find some in the warehouse
Yes waitlist items are brand new and they do this at side show collectibles . Wait list items get converted when credit cards get declined on other orders or they find some in the warehouse

well in this case, HT already said that they were going to re-release the T2 T-800 so SS didn't just find some in the warehouse, HT has sent out more b/c of such a high demand for it the first go around. well that's what I heard at least. I just wish they would do that with their King Leonidas