Just wanted to contribute a little something to the thread. Coulson Lives!

Just opened him up. I have an idea for a photo tomorrow, but for now, a couple quickies.
I'm a little disappointed that the cell phone doesn't fit in his hand very well. I'm hesitant to use the earpiece for fear of losing it.....
Evening guys. My figure arrived today but I was slightly disappointed as my box had a dent in it. May I know if it's common or should I take it up to Sideshow?
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Yeah I don't like that SSC charges for a pack out.
Phillip is here! Time to play....
Man, you keep changing your avatar! I can hardly recognise you.
I always picture you as Rick Grimes, lol.
Can't see you as Travis.
I have been playing around with Coulson for a couple of hours now. I love it. He's a really great figure.