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See, I knew there were people who liked The Phantom Menace!

Loads of people liked it.
I think the major problem is that with the 16 year gap between ROTJ and TPM, audiences who had seen the originals had elevated GL into something he wasn't.
ANH was okay. There's not actually a whole lot that happens, to be fair. For the time, the effects were incredible, but some are really shoddy.
TESB is a great story, and because it doesn't have the burden of dealing with an ending, it seems a lot better than it is.
With ROTJ, there's so much going on, that it gets all muddled and has to have the cutesy little teddy bears save the day.
For me, although i LOVE the OT and could watch them all again over and over, i FAR prefer the spectacle in the PT. I like seeing the height of the republic. I like the notion that the grandiose republic, for all it's advancements, was so stale and stilted, so mired in bureaucracy, that it was able to be overthrown by just one man. The very notion that an ancient Sith Lord managed to orchestrate a plan that took so long to come to fruition, he had his lightsaber cast into a solid neutronium statue more than 100 years before his trap would be sprung, for when he would need it. That he put in motion a plan to get 60,000 Jedi all spread out so far apart across the galaxy fighting a futile war, surrounded by troops loyal to him, and ready at a second's notice to shoot the Jedi in the back. It's a great storyline. Of course, it's a dark storyline, and is the reason for the OT to be all about the good guys. The PT was all about the rise of the baddies.
Most of all, i love the settings, characters and design language used for the prequels.
I like the prequels, but i love imagining the stories we don't see.
The Jedi we were never introduced to, and the many missions they went on, just out of camera frame. The battles they fought, and the people they saved. The droids they destroyed, and the fighters they flew.
The OT was a great storyline, but it's hard to get excited by backstory of that time.
But in the prequel trilogy, there was such a rich tapestry that was woven, and a lot for an active imagination to be excited about. I often use a set of cool ideas as a springboard for my own ideas. And that's how i see the PT. As a perfect springboard for my imagination.
I see people rubbishing the PT, and i smile. Not because i disagree with them. But just because i can enjoy something even if everyone else hates it, and not get upset by their derision. It's totally cool. I don't feel that i am any better or worse than anyone else just because i like something and they don't(Except people who hate Firefly. They must all be tracked down and killed :rotfl ).
It's the reason i don't care *who* puts down Agents Of Shield.
I like it. But i don't need everyone else to like it just for me to enjoy it. We all have our own opinions. And i respect that.

I loved Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, but I didn't like the characters in the Phantom Menace et al enough to overlook what I saw as faults. But that's me... and I'm perfectly happy to let other people like what they like, without comment (most of the time - sorry, got baited into admitting that I didn't care for TPM).

It makes perfect sense.
No need to apologise for what you like and don't like.

Oh, and I owe you pics of Coulson with the custom guns! I've got some time off coming up for the holidays, I'll try to get them done then! :panic:

And i am very much looking forward to that. Take action shots!
I have moved on to Lightsabers from guns.

Loads of people liked it.
I think the major problem is that with the 16 year gap between ROTJ and TPM, audiences who had seen the originals had elevated GL into something he wasn't.
ANH was okay. There's not actually a whole lot that happens, to be fair. For the time, the effects were incredible, but some are really shoddy.
TESB is a great story, and because it doesn't have the burden of dealing with an ending, it seems a lot better than it is.
With ROTJ, there's so much going on, that it gets all muddled and has to have the cutesy little teddy bears save the day.
For me, although i LOVE the OT and could watch them all again over and over, i FAR prefer the spectacle in the PT. I like seeing the height of the republic. I like the notion that the grandiose republic, for all it's advancements, was so stale and stilted, so mired in bureaucracy, that it was able to be overthrown by just one man. The very notion that an ancient Sith Lord managed to orchestrate a plan that took so long to come to fruition, he had his lightsaber cast into a solid neutronium statue more than 100 years before his trap would be sprung, for when he would need it. That he put in motion a plan to get 60,000 Jedi all spread out so far apart across the galaxy fighting a futile war, surrounded by troops loyal to him, and ready at a second's notice to shoot the Jedi in the back. It's a great storyline. Of course, it's a dark storyline, and is the reason for the OT to be all about the good guys. The PT was all about the rise of the baddies.
Most of all, i love the settings, characters and design language used for the prequels.
I like the prequels, but i love imagining the stories we don't see.
The Jedi we were never introduced to, and the many missions they went on, just out of camera frame. The battles they fought, and the people they saved. The droids they destroyed, and the fighters they flew.
The OT was a great storyline, but it's hard to get excited by backstory of that time.
But in the prequel trilogy, there was such a rich tapestry that was woven, and a lot for an active imagination to be excited about. I often use a set of cool ideas as a springboard for my own ideas. And that's how i see the PT. As a perfect springboard for my imagination.
I see people rubbishing the PT, and i smile. Not because i disagree with them. But just because i can enjoy something even if everyone else hates it, and not get upset by their derision. It's totally cool. I don't feel that i am any better or worse than anyone else just because i like something and they don't(Except people who hate Firefly. They must all be tracked down and killed :rotfl ).
It's the reason i don't care *who* puts down Agents Of Shield.
I like it. But i don't need everyone else to like it just for me to enjoy it. We all have our own opinions. And i respect that.

It makes perfect sense.
No need to apologise for what you like and don't like.

And i am very much looking forward to that. Take action shots!
I have moved on to Lightsabers from guns.


<<<< Condensed for space >>>>>

What I enjoyed about the the PT is that it does give us some idea of what the Jedi were like in their prime. This was the Jedi in almost exactly the manner we should have seen them as their fall came just too quickly for us to appreciate what a formidable, almost unstoppable force they were (no pun intended) when at the top of their game. As an example....

The second (?) attempt on Padme's life in AOTC where Obi Wan smashes his way through a window and grabs hold of an assassin 'droid as it makes its escape. It didn't matter to him that he was two or three thousand feet above ground, he just did it.

And who can argue about the three way battle between two Jedi and a Sith in TPM or the showdown between Anakin and Obi Wan in ROTS?

I actually even like the way Ewan McGregor emotes the line "I have failed you!" to Anakin, seeing the fault as being in his teaching ability, rather than any fault of his student's, even then.

No I certainly don't hate the PT, there is much in it to admire as it showed us the potential for what could have been much better stories had GL not surrounded himself with 'Yes' men.
<<<< Condensed for space >>>>>

What I enjoyed about the the PT is that it does give us some idea of what the Jedi were like in their prime. This was the Jedi in almost exactly the manner we should have seen them as their fall came just too quickly for us to appreciate what a formidable, almost unstoppable force they were (no pun intended) when at the top of their game. As an example....

The second (?) attempt on Padme's life in AOTC where Obi Wan smashes his way through a window and grabs hold of an assassin 'droid as it makes its escape. It didn't matter to him that he was two or three thousand feet above ground, he just did it.

And who can argue about the three way battle between two Jedi and a Sith in TPM or the showdown between Anakin and Obi Wan in ROTS?

I actually even like the way Ewan McGregor emotes the line "I have failed you!" to Anakin, seeing the fault as being in his teaching ability, rather than any fault of his student's, even then.

No I certainly don't hate the PT, there is much in it to admire as it showed us the potential for what could have been much better stories had GL not surrounded himself with 'Yes' men.

Good points all.
Another point mentioned in the novelisation of EPIII is that it is YODA who realises that the failure is *HIS*.
That for the best part of 900 years, he has been the prime teacher of almost ALL Jedi up till the present day. That is is because the Jedi were never forced to innovate and keep the Order fresh and modern(The way they *would have* had each generation been new and coming up with new ways to do things), because they became stultified and complacent, they were totally unprepared for a Sith *invasion* in the form it took.
Oh, they were *powerful*(That scene in AOTC where Obi-Wan jumps after that droid is also one of my fave visuals), but they were also so assured that they couldn't even conceive of the threat that was upon them until Order 66 had already fallen.
The Sith were the ones that totally changed from a stance of all out attack to a *softly, softly* approach, that the Jedi were caught totally unawares.
Good points all.
Another point mentioned in the novelisation of EPIII is that it is YODA who realises that the failure is *HIS*.
That for the best part of 900 years, he has been the prime teacher of almost ALL Jedi up till the present day. That is is because the Jedi were never forced to innovate and keep the Order fresh and modern(The way they *would have* had each generation been new and coming up with new ways to do things), because they became stultified and complacent, they were totally unprepared for a Sith *invasion* in the form it took.
Oh, they were *powerful*(That scene in AOTC where Obi-Wan jumps after that droid is also one of my fave visuals), but they were also so assured that they couldn't even conceive of the threat that was upon them until Order 66 had already fallen.
The Sith were the ones that totally changed from a stance of all out attack to a *softly, softly* approach, that the Jedi were caught totally unawares.


Absolutely, those story elements were superb. I had not read the novelisation so that snippet about Yoda does fit, in more ways than one.

We see Obi Wan realise that his failure with Anakin is, in a major important way, due to his own failure as a teacher...which from your description in the EIII novel, Yoda parallels with his feeling of failure with the Jedi as a group. Student and teacher...both failures.

Absolutely, those story elements were superb. I had not read the novelisation so that snippet about Yoda does fit, in more ways than one.

We see Obi Wan realise that his failure with Anakin is, in a major important way, due to his own failure as a teacher...which from your description in the EIII novel, Yoda parallels with his feeling of failure with the Jedi as a group. Student and teacher...both failures.

Yes. It all works.
I feel that they make good counterpoints, the OT and PT. One, a sprawling galaxy wide shot at how a corrupted government can be brought down, the other, a close character piece of the aftermath 20 years later.
I just feel the prequels are too harshly judged.
As a side note, i was dating a girl in 2012 round about the time they re-released Episode I in 3D. She was a bit younger than me and was in school when EPI was released initially. She had seen the OT on tv/DVD but had never gotten around to the prequels. Then everyone was saying how rubbish they were, so she just never bothered.
So, we went to see EPI in 3D and she talked about it for days. She couldn't believe what people had been complaining about.
It was so refereshing to see a new perspective on the prequels. And she's a real scifi fan.
I really think that the haters are just people who fondly remember the original trilogy and can't see past them enough to enjoy the prequels.
Hi all,

Daron aka DGTWoodward passed away by a sudden heart attack on the eve of 19th Dec, here is a link to the thread started by his wife notifying us:

I have been speaking with Sharon, (Mrs DGTWoodward) and she has been gracious and kind enough to let us as a community send a token of respect to herself and her family, not to mention Daron.

We (Dave and mods) have agreed that we are going to pay our respects to our friend Daron aka DGTWoodward by having a collection which I will organise to send flowers to the family on or before the funeral.
The date of the funeral is not known yet but we can do this and send our thoughts to not only Daron but also his wife and family.

So, if anyone would like to make a contribution or donate towards this, please send me a message and I will let you know the details. I am in the UK so will sort out flowers and things and will try include all usernames of those who donate, on the cards of the flowers/ items we send.

Hopefully we can pay our respects not only to a member of our community who we have sadly lost, but also another member - his wife who is also an avid collector, along with their family.

If you would like to take part, please pm me and I will send you my details.
x :1-1:
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Quick question...I don't own a Coulson figure, but wanted to know if his tie can be undone? Possibly change the knot of the tie? Thanks! :)
Quick question...I don't own a Coulson figure, but wanted to know if his tie can be undone? Possibly change the knot of the tie? Thanks! :)

It cannot be undone. The Tie is glued closed in a very tight knot.
I got a spare Coulson suit a few days back for my Obama custom. The tie was hellish to get on the neck!!!
If you need the tie to look different, you will need to source a new tie.

It cannot be undone. The Tie is glued closed in a very tight knot.
I got a spare Coulson suit a few days back for my Obama custom. The tie was hellish to get on the neck!!!
If you need the tie to look different, you will need to source a new tie.


That was my initial fear...thanks so much for the info Bar! :duff