if i were a ninja i think i would want these comfy , cozy footwear to fight , climb and run in. not camel toe slippers 
I hope they make every figure from this movie, even Taintum Chaffing. Just to keep reading all the RAH worshippers crying and moaning if nothing else. You'd think we were talking about Shakespeare, not a somewhat goofy kid show and comics from the eighties.
I hope they make every figure from this movie, even Taintum Chaffing. Just to keep reading all the RAH worshippers crying and moaning if nothing else. You'd think we were talking about Shakespeare, not a somewhat goofy kid show and comics from the eighties.
because ARAH will ALWAYS be the very best of GI Joe and what really matters
trying to reinvent the Brand always seems to FAIL!
GI joe Extreme
Sigma 6
Renegades (Crap)
Rise of Crap and now Retardation...
RAH worshippers crying and moaning if nothing else.
See? That's why I love you RAH guys! BTW, I think all of that other stuff that came later stinks too. Resolute was the only passable spin-off. Buuuuut, I also realize it's a kids toy line and not made for adults so I'm not going to get bent out of shape when the cartoons and comics are not hardcore and made for adults. Maybe it would be cool if the brand went back to the 12 inch figs though. Get rid of the ninjas and goofy looking fantasy guns and vehicles. Then you could have slightly more realistic characters and story lines. Would kids support that line? I kinda doubt it.
Maybe slightly off-topic, but are they canceling or cutting back on the release of classic Joe figures because of the Retaliation merchandise? If so, I'd somewhat understand the hate towards this stuff.
But from what I've seen, there are still classic figures coming out this year from Hasbro, and I think Sideshow. If it's just new variations (which won't even continue past this year) coming out along with the classics, I don't get why some seem genuinely offended.
I have nothing against expanding Joe to new audiences, and I bet when the new fans get older, many will turn into fans of the classic Joe (Ive seen it happen with Sigma 6 fans).![]()
Saying you outright don't want this to exist, rather than just disliking it, makes me wonder if some don't want the Joe audience to expand, and want it to remain as niche as possible to retain some kind of "coolness". Which, IMO, is kind ofAnd there is no way classic Joe designs will be permanently influenced by these movie designs, so who cares?
Still, I understand those who are simply poking fun at these designs, even as a Joe fan myself who plans to buy this figure anyway.I just wish classic Joe releases were better quality or larger scale like this figure, not a fan of the SS designs, particularly the faces.
Oh, and on a side note, one's dedication to a franchise isn't based on number of posts in a sub-forum. That's like saying someone doesn't like figures until they join a forum.I'm a huge Terminator/Predator/Aliens fan, and I never post there unless I need technical help.
You're right, sorry if I came off as being critical of everyone. I completely respect anyone expressing their opinion on this movie design, I won't even try to defend the design lol.I dont think most RAH fans are mocking the Hot Toys figure as a figure. It's the stupid design on the characters (Not HT fault), ok mostly Storm Shadow. The leather outfit with tails and tennis shoes is just wrong in so many ways.
I hope they make every figure from this movie, even Taintum Chaffing. Just to keep reading all the RAH worshippers crying and moaning if nothing else. You'd think we were talking about Shakespeare, not a somewhat goofy kid show and comics from the eighties.
Movie will likely be better than the first one. Which doesn't say a whole lot.
Who are we kidding? It's gonna suck.
...and I'm still going opening night.![]()