There are slight differences. But it could be the age of the armour.
And the fact it is carved from bone.
And the fact it is carved from bone.
There are slight differences. But it could be the age of the armour.
And the fact it is carved from bone.
It's a good start. You might want to build it all up on the figure though.
But i can't wait to see more.
I totally agree... I was really just getting a little impatient and so I wanted to see what I was up against! In starting it I could already see things that were made more difficult by not doing it directly on the figure... Most important I am thinking this crest is too big, which would have been much easier to tell directly on a body. Owell, it was fun getting started, and since Toy Anxiety shipped out so fast I should be able to get him started this week when I have a day off.
Of course. It's great fun to steam in and get started. I have sculpted a ton of stuff with Sculpey. It's a great material.
The only thing I don't like is that it doesn't "carve" well, like clay would. You really have to do more pushing it around and adding layers directly to it for depth, but as I am getting the hang of it I really enjoy working with it. I just wish it photographed better! I feel the crest actually looks better even than what I can show you guys.
The trick is always to keep it warm. Have you been doing that? It needs to be kneaded, and only tear off the small amount you are working with right now.
It's possible to get amazing details into it with a bit of forethought.
Great idea. Do you harden it in the oven or with some other heat source? I assume Sculpey is ok being baked more than once, then?Sometimes, i even sculpt a detail and harden it, *then* add it to the sculpt. That way you won't ruin the rest.
Great idea. Do you harden it in the oven or with some other heat source? I assume Sculpey is ok being baked more than once, then?
Awesome, thanks for the tips. I'll be utilizing all these various techniques. As I started the chest plate I realized how daunting this may be, but the challenge is what makes it fun.
Awesome work. How do you get it so smooth? Is it something you do before baking, like using alcohol brushed over the Sculpey, or is it done with sanding after baking?