Nup. I sacrificed two minty fresh Trevor sculpts for the Duo. I have Trevor's Walt V1 sculpt, and while it doesn't hold a candle to his recent version, it's still a great sculpt that I'll have to be content with. My missus didn't make it any easier. When I told her what I was doing - offing my now-spare chemsuit and gasmask that I'd had stored for a Jesse sculpt - she said, "But you can't have Walt without Jesse"
But I just can't push my wallet that far.
I think these will be around for a while at MSRP - good luck in swinging the finances
I came to the same conclusion - Tony's set is very reasonably priced for what it is, but it'll still take the cost of this figure to another level. I'm just going to wear any pulls I get through careful handling, andI'll treat the figure the same way as CR Superman - only handle the non-fabric parts and pose set and forget. Not ideal.
I don't regret my choice, but I do regret the lack of a fat wallet that made me choose in the first place.