I just made my second payment towards Robin. The dynamic duo is now two thirds mine!
I'd love to get a Julie Newmar Catwoman, but I really hope that we get a Yvonne Craig Batgirl.
I do sort of agree that Batman's belt doesn't look the greatest. Hopefully it looks a bit better in person. It comes off looking a bit cheap in OMG's pictures to me.
If you have something on flex pay and the figure releases before your final payment is due Sideshow sends an email out offering early processing a lot of times. They've done it for me on a couple of orders.Quick question if an order is on flex pay can you finish paying this? I was expecting July, glad to see they are on time.
Judging by the rate this thread is moving it seems doubtful we will see any characters other than the two. I suspect you have to be a certain age to really appreciate these ("old"). Truth is these figures are like 48 years in the making.
sink in yet, good.. enjoy your third Black Widow.
Obviously I am not talking about the people who are getting these. This is simply a jab at the collectors who don't appreciate history. I am that old guy shaking his fists at the silly kids who prefer another version of a character they already own.View attachment 99777
True dat. HT will most likely make a Romero Joker. Maybe a Penguin and I HOPE a Newmar Catwoman -- seems by now HT got the message that there's quite a few of us who want a Newmar and remember, this line is now a 66 TV line so Newmar is NOT out of the picture.
To be fair, though, that's kind of inaccurate. Hot Toys has only been around a little under twenty years, and it wasn't until last year that WB got the okay to start shipping the license around for official merchandise. They announced that they were able to make products in June of 2012, but they didn't announce what their licensing program would entail until March of last year. So, from the licensing being announced in March to having the figures announced in September and shipping in April of 2014, I'd say that's, technically, a pretty quick turn around. Hell, compared to the Arkham City and Returns licenses, I'd say, outside of the Nolan films, and maybe a select few 89 offerings, this is arguably the most likely Batman line that HT will revisit.
I get what you mean, but business aside I personally have wanted these for 36 years. I made that comment because usually when a figure is popular the thread explodes, that didn't really happen here for whatever reason. Maybe a bunch of lurkers like myself, are just hanging out being lazy, and that's the reason the thread is slow.