I think the point on how much they researched this is mute, if the suit is fraying as soon as you get it. Like the real suit, WE don't have the benefit of a prop department waiting to repair or replace a damaged suit. I picture this looking like a wooly sheep in a year. It's supposed to be posable, which means it will be handled...it's not a PF. I'd like to be wrong about this. It's just, judging from the amount of reports of the suit snagging as soon as it's out of the box, etc. worries me. Tony's custom suit is an option (one I took, but shouldn't have too).
I've been a 1/6 collector for well over 30 years, and as the hobby has changed in that time, I do know that certain precautions should be taken into consideration with certain product. I just don't think this is one of them.
u got ur robin already?
I remember when I first opened up my HT Reeve Superman & - although setting him up very carefully, I snagged the suit almost immediately.i've been collecting for 50 years, and there's simply no excuse for this. I've never had to "glove up" to handle a figure before. Premium collectibles demand premium materials and craftsmanship.
Yep I got him about 2 weeks ago from timcent (ebay)
He gets the figs literally as soon as they are out the factory.
He is based in Hong Kong but the figs usually take no longer then a week to be delivered.
Yeah, he's got a fantastic collection. He co-hosts Hollywood Babble-On with Kevin Smith (which is hilarious), so, I follow him on twitter and he actually got these figures a few weeks ago. Sideshow sent him Batman and Robin early, which I'd say he more than deserved since he contributed a large chunk of the payment for Adam West's star on the walk of fame.
Is Robin as snaggy as Batman?
A bunch of us from 66batman.com made contributions to go toward the star. We were told that a certain amount had to be raised by a certain time and a link was provided. So many members jumped on that to get Adam his long deserved star.Yeah, it's one of those awesome stories because he was a fan just like any of us, and now, West's become one of his good friends. I think he actually paid for the majority of the star, and the rest of it came from the funds procured by his two(four?)-hour "Evening with Adam West" podcast sales. I could be wrong, though, so don't quote me. That's part of the reason I'm so excited for the Batman 66' Green Lantern book. I'm not part of the "let's bash Kevin Smith" fan club, as I quite like his work, but Garman's involvement as a '66 superfan makes me think it'll have that extra attention to detail/authenticity from Garman.
A bunch of us from 66batman.com made contributions to go toward the star. We were told that a certain amount had to be raised by a certain time and a link was provided. So many members jumped on that to get Adam his long deserved star.