Hot Toys-MMS 220-The Wolverine-Wolverine 1/6th Scale Collectible Figure

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Yeah as much as I like the X-Men I don't know how many characters would sell that well to be honest. Wolverine is a given since he's popular with casual and hardcore fans. The main other characters I could see being done and selling would be Professor X and Magneto. Possibly Cyclops too but his character in the films was kind of a let down.

From the first trilogy alone I would say Magneto, Mystique, Xavier, Jean Grey and Cyclops would be must haves for me personally. I would also be seriously interested in Nightcrawler and Rogue. I could also see Storm being popular with a lot of folks. The X-Men franchise is a gold mine just waiting to be milked.
The X-Men have been one of Marvel's strongest licenses for a couple of decades now. Despite the recent ascension of Avengers, I really do believe X-Men have enough fans out there to be a big money maker for Hot Toys. Part of me wonders if they decided to wait until Days of Future Past comes out next year. The cynic in me thinks we will see another Wolverine and nothing else. it would be really sad if they end up doing all the Guardians of the Galaxy but not even a handful of X-Men.
From the first trilogy alone I would say Magneto, Mystique, Xavier, Jean Grey and Cyclops would be must haves for me personally. I would also be seriously interested in Nightcrawler and Rogue. I could also see Storm being popular with a lot of folks. The X-Men franchise is a gold mine just waiting to be milked.
The X-Men have been one of Marvel's strongest licenses for a couple of decades now. Despite the recent ascension of Avengers, I really do believe X-Men have enough fans out there to be a big money maker for Hot Toys. Part of me wonders if they decided to wait until Days of Future Past comes out next year. The cynic in me thinks we will see another Wolverine and nothing else. it would be really sad if they end up doing all the Guardians of the Galaxy but not even a handful of X-Men.
I don't disagree that there's a lot of potential there but I don't think we'll see a bunch of figures. I think we would have already seen a few others by now if that were the case personally. Wolverine is a safe bet because he's hugely popular. Professor X and Magneto I mentioned because they're popular characters as well (not just the characters but the actors who play them) and we've already seen there's a prototype of Charles from First Class. That leads me to think there's a Magneto in the works too since I don't see why they'd do one but not the other. It would also be cool to get the older counterparts for those characters too.
In that case, I totally agree. :hi5:

5 Wolverine and no other X-Men would suck footBALLS, minis the foot. I made a list with a few other members right after First Class came out, and we easily came up with 30 characters that could have been made through 5 films. There is no logical reason ( spoken as a collector and not a 1/6 toy making business ) why we haven't seen and Ian Magneto, FC Magneto, either version of Xavier and many many others.

Personally, I don't think either of Wolverine sold well enough for HT to consider making other characters. But thats just my opinion.

That's bad news. Because if Wolverine doesn't sell well, can you imagine the sales of a Cyclops figure :lol Besides a Wolverine from X1 (my grail), I would like to see Magneto with two head sculpts (helmet and without helmet...and an empty helmet so he can hold it like in the film) and Nightcrawler, not that I like the character, but he looks pretty cool. One of my all time favorite Marvel characters is Juggernaut, but I didn't like how he looked or how they used him in the film :(
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I missed the one from Origins, so I went ahead and PO'd this one. If they do a DOFP figure, I may just try to get outfit. I hope they introducec Apocalypse into this franchisec soon. And give usca real Gambit.
I don't disagree that there's a lot of potential there but I don't think we'll see a bunch of figures. I think we would have already seen a few others by now if that were the case personally. Wolverine is a safe bet because he's hugely popular. Professor X and Magneto I mentioned because they're popular characters as well (not just the characters but the actors who play them) and we've already seen there's a prototype of Charles from First Class. That leads me to think there's a Magneto in the works too since I don't see why they'd do one but not the other. It would also be cool to get the older counterparts for those characters too.

I don't think we will see much from the older films if anything at all. If, and that is a big if, Days of Future Past takes off then I think will have a lot better chance of seeing some figures outside of Wolverine. I think we might see that First Class Xavier go up with Magneto in the next couple of months to coincide with the release of the new film, or that Xavier will be a Toy Fair exclusive next year. I'm not even sure they have announced that they are actually even doing figures from DOFP yet, which isn't a good sign for what they have planned. I still think the X-Men have untapped potential though.

That's bad news. Because if Wolverine doesn't sell well, can you imagine the sales of a Cyclops figure :lol Besides a Wolverine from X1 (my grail), I would like to see Magneto with two head sculpts (helmet and without helmet) and Nightcrawler, not that I like the character, but he looks pretty cool. One of my all time favorite Marvel characters is Juggernaut, but I didn't like how he looked or how they used him in the film :(

I don't remember the Origins Wolverine lasting very long at all, and the fact he went for stupid money online makes me think he sold well. The problem with the Last Stand version I think is partially down to a IMO sub par likeness, but more to a lack of additional figures. How many more people would get that figure, especially now with the release of a new and IMO better version on the horizon, if they had done or where doing even a handful of additional X-Men characters as well? I would have been more inclined to get it if I knew Hot Toys would be making someone else from that movie to go with him. I think that is what Hot Toys is missing out on. How many people bought figures they wouldn't have normally, just to assemble the Avengers? I think the same mentality could be applied here.
we've already seen there's a prototype of Charles from First Class. That leads me to think there's a Magneto in the works too since I don't see why they'd do one but not the other.

Yeah you'd think. This is Hot Toys though. **** knows what random crap they're planning and what really obvious stuff they aren't even thinking about.
I don't think we will see much from the older films if anything at all. If, and that is a big if, Days of Future Past takes off then I think will have a lot better chance of seeing some figures outside of Wolverine. I think we might see that First Class Xavier go up with Magneto in the next couple of months to coincide with the release of the new film, or that Xavier will be a Toy Fair exclusive next year. I'm not even sure they have announced that they are actually even doing figures from DOFP yet, which isn't a good sign for what they have planned. I still think the X-Men have untapped potential though.
True but we didn't hear anything about The Wolverine until quite some time after it was out either. I think the issue with Hot Toys is that everything takes a back seat to Iron Man or any character related to The Avengers for them. I know that brand gets complained about a lot but it's hard to ignore (I don't hate Iron Man for the record and have Tony Stark The Mechanic ordered and will probably order one of the suits at some point too but it is a bit much at this point).
Logically thinking, if HT thought they could make money on the X-Men line, I think they would make plenty of figures. Thats why I think Neither Wolverine sold well. Or, considering Marvel Studios doesn't own the right to the X-Men, maybe there is something preventing HT from making many figure fro non Marvel Studios films. Same goes for Spiderman.
Logically thinking, if HT thought they could make money on the X-Men line, I think they would make plenty of figures. Thats why I think Neither Wolverine sold well. Or, considering Marvel Studios doesn't own the right to the X-Men, maybe they is something preventing HT from making many figure fro non arvel Studios fims. Sae hold for Spiderman.
If Wolverine didn't sell well they wouldn't have made a second let alone a third version of the character. He's popular enough on his own and is probably one of the overall most popular Marvel characters with Spidey and Iron Man that it's justified to make him because people will buy him. The other X-Men I think it's more of a gamble which ones are actually going to sell.
If Wolverine didn't sell well they wouldn't have made a second let alone a third version of the character. He's popular enough on his own and is probably one of the overall most popular Marvel characters with Spidey and Iron Man that it's justified to make him because people will buy him. The other X-Men I think it's more of a gamble which ones are actually going to sell.

Its my opinion it didn't sell well. I don't know for a fact that it didn't and no one here knows for a fact that it did.

If what Howard said in an interview a few months ago about MoS figures is accurate, than my thinking would be possible. When asked if Faora would be made, he said it depends on how well the rest of the line sells.

And the maybe they made a second and third Wolverine just because they had the license and knew how popular the character was?????

Thats also why I said logically thinking. I'm not saying I'm right, and I'm not saying HT is logical.
Honestly the way the characters are depicted on film just doesn't translate well for figures. I saw that Xavier figure they did and had no desire to buy it. Not for $200, no. Maybe at $150, but the truth is HT is done selling products at that price point. LIke a spoiled cat thats been fed too much, they won't bother. These characters are below HT price range and they know it.

The only visually appealing characters would be Magneto, mystique Beast and maybe Azazel. The rest are frankly just boring looking and most people wouldn't be willing to drop 200-240 on a figure in a bland costume with a few extra hands.( and thats what it would be) People balked at the price of ZOD and he's got a much more elaborate costume than these guys.

I think DOFP has a much better chance, perhaps they will even make the Sentinel:thud:. HT seems more concerned with going after big game now
Its my opinion it didn't sell well. I don't know for a fact that it didn't and no one here knows for a fact that it did.

If what Howard said in an interview a few months ago about MoS figures is accurate, than my thinking would be possible. When asked if Faora would be made, he said it depends on how well the rest of the line sells.

And the maybe they made a second and third Wolverine just because they had the license and knew how popular the character was?????

Thats also why I said logically thinking. I'm not saying I'm right, and I'm not saying HT is logical.
I'm not saying that you're right or wrong just that regardless of having the license or not I don't see why they'd waste time and effort on continuing to make a new product of a character that isn't selling. It's not as though they're just re-using the same head sculpt and clothing for a quick cash in either they've done three distinctive versions of Jackman as Wolverine. Plus not to mention wasn't the X-Men Origins: Wolverine release so popular that it prompted a pretty popular bootleg? Doesn't strike me as not selling. As far as the thing about Man of Steel and how a character sells determining how many other characters are made I think it boils down to they know certain big main characters like Wolverine, Superman, Batman, etc. will sell basically no matter what but a lot of the others won't.
Well, we can bang our heads against a wall for days trying to figure out how HT operates. I'm glad I like just about everything Marvel and DC related. That allows me to always be happy about some release. Of course there are @ 2 dozen charcters I'd LOVE HT to make. Like Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Nightcrawler and so many others. Oh well.
I think I might get The Wolverine version. I was thinking about waiting for DOFP, but I don't like this 70's costume, and I doubt we'll ever see an X1 or X2 version, plus I like the hair style in The Wolverine a bit more than DOFP.

Actually the Origins Wolverine didn't sell all that well in the beginning. I remember reading lots of comments about it not looking like Jackman and that it was the Origins version which many people didn't like. It wasn't till later that people really start hunting which drove the aftermarket price way up and then in turn the bootleg.
I like this Wolverine and will probably get it. But wouldn't want several civilian clothed wolverine either. They can always go totally outside their comfort zone and maybe make Magneto, or Xavier, or.......