yeah, but i think this one will be better![]()
Gotcha. I hope the body holds up to the pic, it looked great
yeah, but i think this one will be better![]()
Has EX Figure got a website? I cannot find them.
Hmmmmm.....we must be looking at a different pic, it looks pretty blurry and only a single pic.
however according to some of their replies...items will be for sale through their ebay store
Ex Figures said:we will open pre-orders through our webstore and ebay..
It's funny how people see things differently. I've been waiting on a Wolverine figure forever, since I started collecting HT just after the Origins figure came out. I was so disappointed in the X3 Wolverine sculpt, and thought it only looked vaguely like Jackman. But I feel like the new sculpt is absolutely dead on.
Then again I think the IM Mark VII Tony head sculpt is completely off, but a lot of people like it so...
they have a facebook page
however according to some of their replies...items will be for sale through their ebay store
this isn't blurry
but here's one just put out today of the sculpt...not great better than some of the previous 3rd party Wolverine sculpts
Sounds like Fire Figures mo...they did the same thing for their "assassin" figure
Well the X3 sculpt didn't vaguely look like Jackman, looked nothing like him. I think the Origins looks better. True the Mk VII Tony sculpt is off. But then again I wasn't planning on displaying him without the helmet. Stark's face his hidden in the armor. Iron Man doesn't go into battle without his helmet. I bought an IM figure, not a Tony Stark figure. Now the Numerous Stark figures from IM3 I would want the sculpts much better which they are. Sculpts like BD T800, Joker 2.0, 89 Batman and Joker, Pirates of the Carribean, Nick Fury, Coulson, Loki, Hulk, Reeve, Bale, MOS Supes and Jor-El those are dead on sculpts. The Avengers Cap wasn't that good. But I display him with the helmet on. Any figure that pretty much just has a suit on needs to have a perfect sculpt because there really is nothing else to distinguish the figure.
Wolfman has better chances of seeing the light of day though. They were so ball sy to use the names and franchise without license last time![]()
But no more discussion about it on SSF.
The Revenger still lives, but Wolverine gets steamrollered again!
My only complaint about that last battle was that we didn't really get to see Wolvie do much of anything against Silver Samurai.and the return of bone claws was troublesome for me, as it reminded me again of all the stuff I hate about the X-Men movies
Hot Toys... seriously
Seen this on FB... This head sculpt looks good on that older body/suitNot sure if this has been posted here:
from OSR
Hot Toys... seriously
Hi guys spekerol here so I got the figure, I return to states in about 10 days but here is my verdict on it, until I get to some studio lighting pics are useless
My short review sculpt
1) the headsculpt is really sincerely NOT all that bad to be honest people are tripping out to much once in hand you can appreciate i, some haters will hate regardless
The mustache and this deal with the little thing under the lip is over toned mostly lighting throws the shadow on it, could the mustache be lighter? Sure but in my opinion it's not much darker than the recasts lip areas of the xmen origins version on ebay. I hope that somebody does a custom version with the eyes facing straight on I don't particularly care for the slight off to the side look, if they are gonna do that they might as well make it a pers headsculpt which they should have did to begin with.
I give it a 8.5 out of 10
2) hands and body
Hands actually are not much different than the origins but the spray tone is slightly darker. All the hands are pretty much the same as the origins with the exception of the bones claws and sword holding hands. The bone claw hands are not fasted in metal as some may or may not think more of a light plastic but as said here
Earlier on be careful they feel kinda like plastic folkish material if you know what I mean but the paint app is decent in hand the length of the claws match the metal ones so that's good. The body........ No here is my gripe somebody did mention it earlier on everything is tight on this TTM19 hybrid with the exception of leg muscle adapters glued to the quads. The hip and groin joints have a lot of play which I'm like what the heck???? It's almost let less Lucy and I figure wolverine can do the jail house rock better than Elvis!!! But not to worry it is not so bad that a couple of small rubber bands can actually tighten it a bit, but still from HT we should expect a little better, first batch so I might snag another once it hits sideshow maybe then it will be tighter with out the assistance of rubber bands! please note this does not doom the articulation it just needs to be tightened anyone with another tip to make it tighter with a rubber band your input is greatly appreciated!!!
I give the body and hands a 8.0 out of 10
As far as what is different than the origins
3) paint apps, The paint app does not doom the neck and or chest paint issue as many after having the origins version for a while may have experienced paint coming off and leaving certain areas of the chest and or neck with the 40 year old virgin look. Paints apps on head decent mouth area could have been lighter but I'm sure it will be easily modified by a lot of you guys remember it is really seriously not that bad. Those of you that are canceling preorders are gonna kick yourself later IMO.
Only thing that is the same as the origins is as follows
TTM19 body
Metal claw hands ( keep in mind they put the more refined looking blades from the x3 wolvie on this)
Open palms
Everything else is new on this guy
4) clothing tank top ( wife beater ) is a bit longer than origins so it tucks in nicely, cargo pants and utility belt are quiet a nice change tactical boots are decent
The suit.......ahhhhh the suit well I think everyone will have mixed emotions on that, I suppose you could do the wet sponge thingy and kinda water it down or dampen it to kinda stream it tighter futz it a bit it's not all that bad, the trench coat I believe could have been more form fitting. Instead of looking similar to the HT Denny Cole look. The shoes are good fit tight snug not loose at all pants are friggina amazing with the thicker calves loos bad arsei would even consider rolling up the sleeves and going for the bar brawler look, make a patch put it over his left eye and you have yourself a HT patch wolverine or just throw a carlitos way jacket on him would spice it up a bit.
Clothing I give urban clothes 9 out of 10 and suit a 8.0 out of 10
5) the sword.... Who cares about the friggin sword 5 out 10
Overall it is not bad is it worth 250 and ordering from Hong Kong???. Nah wait till it hits sideshowtoy. I say it's worth about $179.99 to me honestly and is a nice addition if you already own the origins and or X3 to compliment it and switching stuff out on the other figures to achieve multiple looks! I will send photos when I can.