Super Freak
Re: Hot Toys - Thor: The Dark World (Thor - Light Asgardian Armor Ver.)
Damnit HT, 2 versions of everything is the new trend now huh.
Damnit HT, 2 versions of everything is the new trend now huh.
I don't see how having 2 versions is a bad thing for fans. At least you can choose which one you want, instead of end up whining why Hot Toys didn't offer sleeve/sleeveless version
I prefer the Head Sculpt on this to the Armoured version
But in all seriousness, i can't believe there are complaints that there is a variant
haven't people been asking for an unsleeved version and now there is one?
Simply do not buy the sleeved version if you only want it to be unsleeved.
It'd be pretty difficult to make a version with interchangeable arms due to the armour also going around the torso, not like Iron Man where you can just pop the arm on and off, there's more to work out here.
It does look sweet as though
The only concern i would have is if it starts getting scalped out like a mo' fo'
which is possible
Aren't both HS the same?
Wow - GREAT likeness, but the rubber arms are a step backwards.
I HS looks alot better than the avengers version. Now I need those arms and head HS for my avengers Thor.