Hope you're right. Man I was waiting on some money to come in Friday for the deposit, and then this. I am hoping people cancel it since it's such a high ticket figure in favor of getting other releases.
Hope you're right. Man I was waiting on some money to come in Friday for the deposit, and then this. I am hoping people cancel it since it's such a high ticket figure in favor of getting other releases.
Get on the waitlist now and you will be fine. I expect a lot of cancellations come October/November because of the high cost and it being so close to Christmas. People always cancel.
You could always keep checking BBTS too.
I just ordered the Armory by itself. Don't need and can't afford Bruce and Alfred anyway. Will try to get a DX12 Bruce Wayne head and stand from eBay later.
I dunno. I think the figures themselves will be pretty easy for Hot Toys to manufacture but I wonder if the armory itself will hold up the project for a while. Either way I'm fine with waiting to be honest as I'd prefer to pay it off with the current schedule I have for my flex payments (I know Sideshow honors the flex plans if an item releases early but still).I still think this will come out very early- June or so...we'll see