What kind of tard or lite am I if I love,
Dark Knight
Batman 1989
X-Men 2
Batman Begins
But hate TDKR? Does that make me some kind of weirdo? If I love 2/3 films in the series, in this case "the dark knight trilogy", does that mean I hate it (or others that feel the same way) just because we don't like one?
Same with X-Men. I love X2, DOFP, like X-Men and First class, feel meh about Wolverine and hate Last Stand and Origins. Does that mean my feelings towards the X-Men franchise are lukewarm at best? That doesn't seem right.
You summed up how I feel about those 2 movie series perfectly besides The Wolverine. I really liked that movie. TDKR felt somewhat rushed and it didn't even feel like a Batman movie at all. More like a Bane/Bruce Wayne movie.